Decision details

Overview of Revenue Budget 2011/12

Decision Maker: Executive, Scrutiny Committee - Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(Minute 70)


The report of the Assistant Director Finance was submitted, advising Members of the overall financial position of the HRA & General Fund Revenue Budgets for the 2011/12 financial year.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at their meeting on 20 June 2012 and the support and comments of members was noted.


Members were pleased to note the reduction in debt over 30 days old. The Assistant Director Finance reported that the Council proactively managed debt, achieving recovery through the courts where necessary. In response to a question regarding housing benefit overpayments, he reported that these arose for a number of reasons including changes in claimants’ circumstances.  About 90% of this amount was recovered which was very high in comparison with other authorities. 


Executive recommended that Council:-


(1)        approves the net transfer of £727,999 to Earmarked Reserves as detailed in paragraph 3.11;


(2)        approves supplementary budgets of £138,260 as detailed in paragraph 3.11;


(3)        notes Earmarked Reserves at 31 March 2012;


(4)        notes the Council Tax account and collection rate;


(5)        notes the outstanding sundry debt, aged debt analysis and debt write-off figures;


(6)        notes the creditor payments performance;


(7)        by taking into account the overall financial position of the Council as set out in paragraph 3.14, approves the General Fund working balance at 31 March 2012 at £4,258,425; and


(8)        approves the Housing Revenue Account working balance at 31 March 2012 at £5,765,423 and the Council Own Build working balance at £28,207.


Publication date: 05/07/2012

Date of decision: 03/07/2012

Decided at meeting: 03/07/2012 - Executive

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