Decision details

Parliamentary Constituency Boundary Review

Decision Maker: Executive, Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Update on the Parliamentary Constituency Boundary Review.




RECOMMENDED that Council:-


(1)        decides which of either of the Pinhoe or Priory City Council wards should be suggested for inclusion in a revised Parliamentary Constituency to the east of the City;


(2)        suggests that the name of any new parliamentary constituency to the east of the city include a reference to the fact that it included a significant proportion of the city within its boundary, with the suggested name of Exmouth and East Exeter; and


(3)        instructs officers to inform the Boundary Commission for England of its views on the proposals.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.



Report author: John Street

Publication date: 09/07/2021

Date of decision: 08/07/2021

Decided at meeting: 08/07/2021 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: