Issue - meetings

Energy Strategy

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Executive (Item 23)

23 Energy Strategy pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To consider the report of the Corporate Manager Property.


Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 26 January 2017 and its comments will be reported.


Additional documents:





That the Energy Strategy and Action Plan be approved. To achieve the outcomes identified in the Strategy, projects would be progressed through the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme, using the existing approval process.


Reason for Decision:


The Council has identified the need for a coherent Energy Strategy for its estate as part of its aspiration to become an Energy Neutral Council.




The report of the Corporate Manager Property was submitted advising Members of the Energy Strategy supported by a wide-ranging Action Plan.   The Strategy for the City’s Corporate Estate would build on the work of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme and the ambition to be an Energy Neutral Council. 


The Corporate Manager Property advised that this five year plan was the Council’s first stand-alone Energy Strategy, and one that aimed to deliver a sustainable and energy efficient estate, to protect against future energy risks, and to share such benefits with others. The three key issues of the energy strategy were Affordability, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability.


The Portfolio Holder for Support Services commented that the Council now had a plan with a time frame, a commercial approach to energy efficiency and would work with the wider community including Exeter City Futures.


The Portfolio Holder for City Development welcomed this approach to long term energy management and advised that the Council had already won awards for its achievements in the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme.


The Chief Executive & Growth Director stated that Exeter City Council was currently Environment Council of the Year and there would be partnership working with Exeter City Futures to build upon this Strategy and to make Exeter an energy independent city. There may be a need to amend the Energy Strategy in light of what emerges with Exeter City Futures road map to energy independence.  


Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 26 January 2017 and its comments were reported.


RESOLVED the Energy Strategy and Action Plan be approved. To achieve the outcomes identified in the Strategy, projects would be progressed through the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme, using the existing approval process. 




Meeting: 26/01/2017 - Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Energy Strategy pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To consider the report of the Corporate Manager Energy.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Energy Manager presented the report on the Energy Strategy, which outlined the City’s Corporate Estate which built on the work of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency Programme and the ambition to be an Energy Neutral Council. This was the Council’s first stand-alone Energy Strategy and aimed to deliver a sustainable and energy efficient estate, to protect against future energy risks, and to share such benefits with others.


The Corporate Energy Manager discussed the three key issues of the energy strategy: Affordability, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability. She discussed the priorities and objectives of the report which included the key issues. The challenges and benefits for both business and residents were summarised as follows:


(1)  Sustainable Corporate Estate – would reduce energy cost and consumption, reduce environmental impact of energy generation and reduce carbon emissions. The objective would achieve improved operational efficiency, new income streams, reduced maintenance cost and deliver efficiencies.


(2)  Energy Neutral Council – would provide protection from energy prices, carbon taxes and protect the environment.  By supporting emerging technologies to develop innovation and promote commercial viability, cost of energy would be reduced.


(3)  Low Carbon City - would promote energy independence and efficiency, grow the local economy and provide wellbeing. It would reduce energy bills and fuel poverty as well as provide renewable opportunities for the community and businesses.


The Corporate Energy Manager discussed the action plan, informing Members that it was the road map to achieve the outcomes and would be reviewed regularly and would provide updates to the Scrutiny Committees.


Members expressed thanks and appreciation to the Corporate Energy Manager for the work done on the comprehensive report. The Corporate Energy Manager responded to a Members’ question, informing Exeter City Futures was looking at partnership working to make Exeter an energy independent city with energy efficient homes as a standard.


Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee noted the report and recommended approval by Executive and Council.