Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance Risk Register (Quarterly Review) (Part 2)

Meeting: 14/03/2018 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 11)

Corporate Governance Risk Register (Quarterly Review)

To consider the report of the Corporate Manager Executive Support Unit.


Additional documents:


The Policy Officer presented the report which advised Members of the Council’s risk management progress and the updated Corporate Risk Register, which the Audit and Governance committee monitored the Council’s corporate risks to ensure Council business was conducted correctly. The report advised Members of the council’s risk management progress and presented the updated Corporate Risk Register.


She highlighted the updated Corporate Risk Register detailed risks that could have a major impact on the city and were now managed by Directors and Corporate Managers. The register had also been expanded to include all of the council’s corporate health and safety risks, which were listed health and safety risks register and would be presented quarterly to the Audit and Governance Committee.


Members were advised that four new risks had been added to the register, which included the introduction of the Homelessness Reduction Act, Universal Credit, Monkerton Heating Company and the District Heating Scheme. There were six existing high risks on the register, which she confirmed work was underway to complete them and confirmed that there were seven risks that had been removed.


In response to Members questions, the Policy Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support explained:-


·         The Corporate Health and Safety risks would be the responsibility of the Chief Executive and Growth Director, with Directors, the Principal Health and Safety Officer, City Solicitor and Head of HR, Chief Finance Officer,  Environmental Health and Licensing Manager, all sitting on the Health & Safety Committee along with Union involvement;

·         The Operational Health and Safety board meet with the various service leads and Union representatives, and was separate from the Health and Safety Committee;

·         The inadequate five year housing supply risk wass reliant on delivery of the GESP targets. The council needed to consider what would happen if one of the GESP partners withdrew from the partnership.  

·         The register highlights the biggest risks to the Council, requiring Members attention, rather than detail every potential risk;

·         Migration of data between two registers, resulted in some duplication, but will be amended when the Health and Safety group provides their updates;

·         The registers would be amended to ensure they both have the same layout to ensure clarity;

·         The contaminated land at Valley Park was still on the risk register, however was considered to be a low risk, but the Policy Officer would provide the Member with additional information;

·         Responses to the detailed questions relating to the Monkerton Heat scheme would be provided to the Member as appropriate;

·         The Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support would provide a response concerning whether the Director appointed by Exeter City Council at Monkerton should be listed as an outside body;

·         The Legionella report had completed the high and medium risk assessments, which had revised the risks to incorporated monitoring, with work progressing, and considered to be a high priority.


The Audit and Governance Committee noted the updated Corporate Risk Register.