Issue - meetings

Arts & Festivals Review

Meeting: 14/11/2017 - Executive (Item 106)

Staffing within Arts and Events

To consider the report of Economy and Tourism Manager.






That the following be approved;


(1)        as of 1 April 2018, the job description for the Arts and Events Manager be amended to represent a way forward for the service area;


(2)        the Arts and Events Assistant be made redundant as of 31 March 2018;


(3)        out of the existing Arts and Events revenue budget, Exeter City Council provide an annual grant of £20,000 for two years to the Exeter Cultural Partnership, once it’s governance has been agreed upon;


(4)        out of the Arts and  Events revenue budget, Exeter City Council provide one-off grant funding for event organisers with the purpose of upscaling existing events or introducing new events to Exeter; and 


(5)        the new structure be implemented on 1 April 2018.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.







The Economy and Enterprise presented the final business case for the review of staffing within the Arts and Events Team. Members were advised of the changes as result of the consultation processes.


Members thanked the Arts and Events Assistant and Arts and Events Manager for all their hard work and commitment in organising of events within the city and its surrounding areas.



RESOLVED that the following be approved:-


(1)        as of 1 April 2018, the job description for the Arts and Events Manager be amended to represent a way forward for the service area;


(2)        the Arts and Events Assistant be made redundant as of 31 March 2018;


(3)        out of the existing Arts and Events revenue budget, Exeter City Council provide an annual grant of £20,000 for two years to the Exeter Cultural Partnership, once it’s governance has been agreed upon;


(4)        out of the Arts and  Events revenue budget, Exeter City Council provide one-off grant funding for event organisers with the purpose of upscaling existing events or introducing new events to Exeter; and 


(5)        the new structure be implemented on 1 April 2018.