Issue - meetings

Rennes House options (Part 2)

Meeting: 13/03/2018 - Executive (Item 43)

Rennes House options

To consider the report of the Director (BA).


People Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 12 March 2018 and its comments will be reported.


Additional documents:





That it is recommended to Council that:-


(1)        the refurbishment works required to Rennes House, alongside the costs of refurbishment in relation to the value of the building be noted ;


(2)        the responses to the consultation undertaken with Rennes House residents as detailed in section 8.7 of the report be noted;


(3)        the option for full refurbishment of Rennes House, as circulated at the meeting, be approved, with consideration of any alternative options to be taken in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder and Local Ward Members.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report and circulated information.



The Service Lead Housing Customers presented the report outlining the history behind Rennes House, past decisions made and which set out costed options for the refurbishment works required to the building.


Members were circulated with details of the option for the full refurbishment of Rennes which People Scrutiny Committee had considered at its meeting on 12 March 2018 and had unanimously supported.


Members supported the proposal for the full refurbishment of Rennes House, it would provide significant savings in heating costs and would improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Members agreed that should alternative options need to be considered within the agreed budgets these should be in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder and Local Ward Members.


RECOMMENDED to Council that:-


(1)        the refurbishment works required to Rennes House, alongside the costs of refurbishment in relation to the value of the building be noted ;


(2)        the responses to the consultation undertaken with Rennes House residents as detailed in section 8.7 of the report be noted;


(3)        the option for full refurbishment of Rennes House, as circulated at the meeting, be approved, with consideration of any alternative options to be taken in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder and Local Ward Members.