Issue - meetings

Portfolio Holder Updates

Meeting: 27/09/2018 - Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)

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A year end update on the work programme relevant to the portfolios for 2017/18 for Councillor Edwards, Leader will be presented.


Councillor Pearsons’ (Portfolio Holder for Support Services) update will be presented at Corporate Services Scrutiny meeting on November 2018.



Updates on the priorities of the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Growth and City Development for 2017/18 were presented.


Leader and Growth and City Development


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Growth and City Development presented the updates for City Development.


In response to Members’ questions, the Leader reported the following updates:-


·         The Greater Exeter Strategic Plan publication was a working party document providing details on how the various authorities would secure future five year housing supply. The report had been delayed due to one authority having withdrawn their input putting the publication on hold. It was now expected to be published in June 2019;


·         There were no legal guidelines for the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, which was a combined working arrangement between authorities. If one authority caused a delay it would impact on the other authorities;


·         The new homeless winter shelter had  been through planning and was on target for opening in the near future;


·         The introduction of a pan-council performance framework was a part of the 2018-22 Corporate Plan. This was the vision for going forward and detailed how the Council would achieve its goals;


·         There had been issues in Planning, relating to problems with maintaining staff, and recruitment. These issues had been resolved and new staff had been seconded on a temporary basis to assist with the back dated work.


Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee noted the report of the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Growth & City Development.