Issue - meetings

HRA New Build Programme

Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Council House Building Programme pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To consider the report of the Service Lead Housing Customers.




RECOMMENDED that Council:-


(1)  Note the sites referred to in the report together with the timescales for delivery and the costs to complete each of the schemes;

(2)  To approve a budget totalling £18million to deliver the sites detailed in this Report, which will deliver 100 new homes into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and

(3)  To note that approval of future years’ development activity will be via an Annual Council House Building Development Plan and the annual capital programme budget report.


Reason for Decision:

As set out in the report.






The Executive received the report on the Council House Building Programme which informed Members that following the lifting of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing cap, an opportunity had arisen to increase the number of properties held within the Housing Revenue Account to help meet the City’s’ housing needs. The programme included the acquisition of properties in a scheme being developed by Exeter City Living, with three additional schemes to deliver 100 new homes by 2022.


Particular reference was made to the sites identified for use for Council Housing and that it was proposed that 500 new homes could be developed over a 10 year period, which would be funded through HRA borrowing. A housing needs and viability survey on Council stock would be undertaken and work to address retrofitting low energy properties was also underway.


Councillor D Moore, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on this item, commenting on the likely impact the Exeter City Living business plan would have by moving sites to the HRA and the proportion of the £18 million that would be funded from borrowing.


During discussion, Members welcomed the scheme and the following points were raised:-


·         Working with Exeter City Living to build housing and borrowing through HRA was beneficial in continuing to develop new properties;

·         The right to buy scheme had led to a loss of 95% of houses to private landowners;

·         The development of 100 new homes was considered to be a good start and would increase Council stock, with more work and consultations being undertaken, with levels of borrowing being monitored.


RECOMMENDED that Council:-


(1)  Note the sites referred to in the report presented to the meeting, together with the timescales for delivery and the costs to complete each of the schemes;

(2)  Approve a budget totalling £18million to deliver the sites detailed in this Report, which will deliver 100 new homes into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and

(3)  Note that approval of future years’ development activity will be via an Annual Council House Building Development Plan and the annual capital programme budget report.