Issue - meetings

Report on Member Training

Meeting: 06/09/2022 - Executive (Item 91)

Member Training

To consider the report of the Director Corporate Services.


Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the report which provided a quarterly update on the progress of work on the Members’ training programme and also included Members’ attendance records and feedback on the various training sessions held since May 2022 to present.


Particular reference was made to the new online training platform which would soon be made available to Members. The system would enable Members to undertake an array of training sessions including GDPR and Safeguarding. Attendance and completion of the training would also be included in the training indicators.


Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, welcomed the quality of the training provided.


During the discussion, the following points were made:-


·        The new training package will have mandatory training requirements for all Members to undertake;

·        New carbon literacy training would be provided to Members later in the year, which was highly recommended;

·        Shadowing and site visit sessions from various teams had been very beneficial and Members were encouraged to attend for their own development.


The Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Arts & Culture and Corporate Services suggested that the report be presented publically for future meetings, with any relevant redactions, to highlight the training and development that elected Members had undertaken.


RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.