69 Local Validation List PDF 355 KB
To consider the report of the Director of City Development.
Additional documents:
(1) the Final Local Validation List be adopted;
(2) to ensure that national requirements were kept up to date with any new planning legislation or amendments to existing legislation, delegated authority be granted to the Director City Development to make any amendments the Local List and technical guidance in section 4.0 of Appendix C of the report; and
(3) the Executive note that any amendments to the list of local requirements in Section 3.0 in Appendix C of the report, would require consultation before being carried out and that the Local List would be brought back to the Executive for re-adoption.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
The Executive received the report on the Local Validation List, which enabled local planning authorities to set out the supporting information they required for planning applications and planning permission, which was in addition to the standard national requirements. Local List requirements needed to be reviewed and published every two years to carry statutory weight.
The Assistant Service Lead - Development Management (Major Projects) advised that the Council’s previously adopted Local List documents on the Council website had been published in 2010/11 and were therefore out of date. Following a six week consultation on a new Local List, undertaken between 17 June and 29 July 2021, comments had been received and were taken into account in a final Local List, which required formal adoption by Executive.
The document was split into two main parts: a series of tables setting out the information required for different types of planning application and the circumstances of when the information was required; and guidance on the information, including links to further technical guidance and key contacts.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, had submitted a question on this item, but was unable to be present. The question and answer are attached to the minutes.
(1) the Final Local Validation List be adopted;
(2) to ensure that national requirements were kept up to date with any new planning legislation or amendments to existing legislation, delegated authority be granted to the Director City Development to make any amendments the Local List and technical guidance in section 4.0 of Appendix C of the report; and
(3) the Executive note that any amendments to the list of local requirements in Section 3.0 in Appendix C of the report, would require consultation before being carried out and that the Local List would be brought back to the Executive for re-adoption.