Issue - meetings

Risk Management Policy

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive (Item 94)

94 Risk Management Policy pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the report of the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources.

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RESOLVED that the dated Risk Management Policy be approved in in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Council’s Financial Regulations.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.






The Executive received the report which sought approval of the updated Risk Management Policy which reflected the new Strategic Leadership structure and reporting arrangements. It was important that the Council had a robust policy and approach for identifying, managing, and monitoring corporate risks which could impact on delivering the Council’s strategic priorities and the policy would be reviewed every two years.


Councillor’s Mitchell and Moore as opposition group leaders spoke on the item and raised points and questions, which were responded to by the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources, as detailed further in this minute.


During the discussion, Executive Members raised the following points and questions:-


·         the policy referenced the responsibilities of the Executive and Strategic Management Board (SMB) and highlighted that the Executive was responsible for approving the policy;

·         Portfolio Holders as the elected Executive Members, regularly reviewed their areas of responsibility, working with their relevant Strategic Director, which were then presented with the Council Leader, who had overall responsibility for accepting and managing risks; and

·         the register was a living document, in which Portfolio Holders monitored and updated their risks and mitigations accordingly.


In response to questions and points raised by Members and opposition group leaders, the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources advised that:-


·         the Executive consisted of the responsible Portfolio Holders, and had been grouped as such in the policy accordingly;

·         Portfolio Holders were responsible for working alongside the Strategic Management Board (SMB) in monitoring risks, and had the opportunity to propose for risks to be removed at the Executive meeting;

·         in the event a risk was considered to be in an unacceptable position, SMB would bring the matter to full Council to address; and

·         the policy reflected the Financial Regulations set out in the Council’s Constitution, which required that the risk register be presented to the Audit and Governance for consideration ahead of the Executive for approval.


The Leader moved the recommendations, which was seconded by Councillor Wright, voted upon, and CARRIED unanimously.


RESOLVED that the dated Risk Management Policy be approved in in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Council’s Financial Regulations.