14 Review of Safeguarding Policy PDF 145 KB
To consider the report of the Director Net Zero and City Management.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the report be deferred to enable officers to address the removal of the central record relating to safeguarding.
Reason for Decision: To determine the position with regards to the central record relating to safeguarding
The Executive received the report on the adoption of the revised Safeguarding Policy, which had been updated to ensure it reflected best practice in safeguarding and incorporated recent updates to legislation and statutory guidance.
Members were advised on the amendments made to the policy which were outlined in the report, with particular reference made to the removal of the need for a central record on safeguarding, to prevent duplication of information. Reference was also made to a new section setting out the organisation’s Corporate Parenting responsibility under the Children and Social Work Act 2017.
Executive Members in debating report highlighted the need for corporate parenting training to be provided to Members. Members, however, raised concern with regards to the removal of the central record for safeguarding, which was an audit requirement and could lead the Council open to criticism. It was agreed that the report be deferred to allow officers to address the removal and report back to the special Executive meeting on 22 January 2024.
RESOLVED that the report be deferred to enable officers to address the removal of the central record relating to safeguarding.