Issue - meetings

Revised Local Development Scheme 2024

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive (Item 93)

93 Revised Local Development Scheme 2024 pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the report of the Strategic Director for Place.


Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the revised Local Development Scheme (Appendix A of the report) be approved as the basis for preparing local planning policy.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.






The Executive received the report on the revised Local Development Scheme (LDS) which provided a scope and timetable for preparing Council planning policy documents, including the Exeter Plan, and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). Although the existing Local Development Scheme was approved in July 2023, work on the Exeter Plan and other planning policy documents had progressed and it was a statutory requirement to ensure the Local Development Scheme was up to date.


Particular reference was made to:-


·         the latest update included a slightly amended timetable for the Exeter Plan and new work on an SPD for a new state-of-the-art health campus at the University of St Luke's site;

·         significant progress had been made on bringing forward the Exeter Plan including the full draft that was subject to public consultation, earlier this year;

·         several significant projects had been completed since the last LDS, which included a new SPD for Water Lane, a new CIL charging scheme, and a revised Householder Extensions and Alterations SPD;

·         an extension of the area of the city centre covered by the Article 4 Direction, relating to Houses in Multiple occupation (HMOs);

·         the current published Exeter Plan timetable included the publication of a draft version (Regulation 19) for consultation, in October 2024;

·         it was now proposed to publish the draft Publication version for consultation in December 2024 - January 2025, with a final submission to the Planning Inspectorate scheduled for June 2025, with an anticipated adoption date for November 2026; and

·         a delay was required to prepare further evidence in response to an earlier consultation at the beginning of the year. The Council remained committed to bringing forward a new local plan quickly and providing sufficient quality and quantity of homes including affordable homes.


Councillor’s Mitchell and Moore as opposition group leaders spoke on the item and raised points and questions, which were responded to by the Strategic Director for Place, as detailed further in this minute.


During the discussion, Executive Members raised the following points and questions:-


·         the report and significant work and achievements of the team was commended;

·         clarification was sought that Exeter currently could demonstrate a 5-year land supply ;

·         clarification that the impact of the increased housing targets would not take effect until after the Exeter Plan was adopted;

·         although there were other supplementary planning policies, it was important for the team to focus on the new timeline to prevent starting the process over;

·         the housing reforms were welcomed and the Council wanted to deliver the right number and quality of homes in the right places to meet resident’s needs;

·         the Council would be responding to the consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), but there would be a considerable uplift in the realistic delivery of housing;

·         it was important that the Exeter Plan was robust to ensure it passed examination, and required strong evidence to support it; and

·         reassurance was sought that the current Local  Plan still carried weight for planning decisions and despite a delay, emerging policies in the Exeter  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93