Issue - meetings

Approved Projects Options Report

Meeting: 01/10/2024 - Executive (Item 104)

104 Approved Projects Options Report pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider the report of the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources.

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RESOLVED that the Executive agreed to prioritise and fund the project to complete and deliver the remaining seven outstanding properties in relation to the Laings scheme.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report and agreed at the meeting.






The Executive received the report which sought Member direction for prioritising available funding for one of the two previously approved schemes for either the Laings scheme and phases B and C at Vaughan Road. Council had previously approved for funding for both projects to be delegated to the Section 151 Officer and relevant Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Leader, as it was not able to borrow prudentially at that time. Funding was now available to progress one of the schemes.


The Leader moved the first recommendation option for the funding of the project to complete and deliver the remaining 7 properties outstanding in relation to the Laings scheme. Councillor Wright seconded the recommendation option.


Councillor Moore as opposition group leader enquired if the managed budget included the purchase of the additional land in this account?


Councillor Jobson as an opposition group leader had submitted questions prior to the meeting which were responded and are supplemented to the minutes.


During the discussion, Executive Members raised the following points and questions:-


·         it was good news the Council was now able to deliver this overdue project;

·         it was highlighted that this was only prioritising one project over another, now that funding was available;

·         the other project would be progressed once more funding became available;

·         finishing the Laings project would provide enhancement to the area and allow residents to move back; and

·         the Council was going to complete the project which had taken a number of years to complete and welcomed future funding for the Vaughan Road projects in due course.


The Leader moved the recommendations, which was seconded by Councillor Wright, voted upon, and CARRIED unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Executive agreed to prioritise and fund the project to complete and deliver the remaining seven outstanding properties in relation to the Laings scheme.