Issue - meetings

Relocation of Council Services Based in the Civic Centre

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Relocation of Council Services Based in the Civic Centre pdf icon PDF 144 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive & Head of Paid Service.

Additional documents:




RESOLVED that the Executive agree for officers to proceed with detailed plans and costings for the enhancement of a number of Council-owned sites in order to relocate staff currently based at the Civic Centre.


RECOMMENDED that Council approve a budget of up to £100,000 to develop full designs and costings for the project, funded from ringfenced surplus funds from the Guildhall Shopping Centre.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the report which sought approval to enable officers to proceed to the next stage of planning for a potential move of the Council services currently based at the Civic Centre to a number of Council owned sites. The potential move would relocate all three phase buildings at the Civic Centre site.


The current layout of the Civic Centre did not promote modern workplace practices for hybrid meetings, had surplus capacity and due to the Council’s current financial resources, it was not possible to spend significantly on a new building. Making better use of existing assets would be more cost-effective in improving working conditions and enable the Council to fully embrace collaborative working across teams and services.


Particular reference was made to the freeing up a site for regeneration, which would enable surplus funds from the Guildhall Shopping Centre being used to fund the work without impacting on the taxpayer.


Councillor’s Mitchell and Moore as opposition group leaders spoke on the item and raised points and questions, which were responded to by Senior Officers, as detailed further in this minute.


During the discussion, Executive Members raised the following points and questions:-


·         how would the Council avoid silo working, with a number of different physical locations being considered?

·         would the potential move align with the One Exeter work programme?

·         would there be problematic for staff working in different physical locations?

·         clarity was sought on the ring-fenced Guildhall surplus funds and why it was not usable for other services?

·         It was clarified that 8.6 of the report regarding the floor of the Bradninch Place, referred to the second floor of the Bradninch Place;

·         the report was welcomed, notably the carbon footprint and environmental information; and

·         having a representative from the Net Zero team being invited to the project was welcomed and assurance was sought that projected carbon impact information would be provided as the project moved forward.


In response to questions and points raised by Members and opposition group leaders, the Chief Executive advised that:-


·         carbon impact projections would be addressed in the next stage of work;

·         it was confirmed that the report was referring to the second floor of the Bradninch Place;

·         silo working was a cultural issue and work had commenced to address the issue. Regular meetings were also held to enable the senior leadership team and heads of service to work together for the benefit of the whole Council;

·         the Council was looking to create more modern workspaces for improved and collaborative environments;

·         there had been work undertaken for the current layout of the civic centre, to provide agile and flexible working and open plan spaces. This work also supported the Council during the Covid lockdown, allowing staff to continue working from home;

·         all partners with a signed Council lease were aware of the intention to move premises;

·         work was being undertaken to explore co-location options, but the primary focus was ensuring there was suitable accommodation for Council staff, with a focus on vacant units for office  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92