Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Monday 8th July 2013 5.30 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter

Contact: Howard Bassett, Democratic Services Officer (Committees)  01392 265107 or email

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item. Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.



No declarations of interest were made by Members.



PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 13/3219/03 - Former Foxhayes Primary School, Gloucester Road, Exeter pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.


(Report to Committee meeting of 24 June attached and update to follow)



The Assistant Director City Development presented the application for temporary consent for up to three years for the installation of temporary buildings on land at Gloucester Road for use by the Steiner Academy Exeter (education use (D1)), creation of a temporary outdoor play area and associated works.


The Assistant Director reported that, following deferral of this application at the previous meeting of this Committee, a site visit had been held at the proposed site on 2 July 2013. He advised that a permanent site at Thomas Hall, north of Cowley Bridge Road, had been identified for which Department of Education funding and a licence had been confirmed. In the event of the school being unable to move after the expiry of the consent period a further application would be necessary. He stated that temporary buildings were to be found at other schools in Exeter and on other sites in the City such as at the hospital. The start and finish times had been amended to minimise traffic disruption in the area.


He reported the receipt of further letters of support.


Devon County Council’s Highway Development Management Officer (Exeter) provided data in respect of traffic management issues associated with Exwick Heights Primary School and the proposed school including accident data which showed that only two accidents had occurred, neither of which were directly related to the school.


Members were circulated with an update sheet - attached to minutes.


Councillor Hannaford, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on the item. He raised the following points:-


  • had requested deferral of the application at the previous meeting for further consideration to be given to the significant traffic problems in the area such as speeding traffic including buses, parking and general access to both schools
  • proposed traffic management measures should be more rigorous, for example, additional signing and traffic calming measures are required. At present, Exwick Heights Primary School undertakes own policing of traffic at peak times
  • insufficient measures had been taken to improve pedestrian access in the area. The County Council were yet to progress a Compulsory Purchase Order to facilitate a pedestrian route to the Exwick Heights Primary School and providing pedestrian access to the new school via Pine Avenue would be difficult to monitor. The pedestrian route to Exwick Heights along Exwick Lane was difficult during winter conditions
  • regret temporary nature of buildings proposed. A permanent facility would be preferable which could be used as a youth or children’s’ centre when the school vacates
  • acknowledge letters of support but two letters of objections on traffic grounds have also been received referring to congestion at peak times including the impossibility of entering or leaving Gloucester Road during these times.


Councillor Pearson, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on the item. He raised the following points:-


  • support diversity in children’s’ education provision
  • area suffers traffic problems which will be exacerbated by the new school
  • the geography of the area leads to the traffic problems and the Foxhayes site is on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


Additional Information Sheet pdf icon PDF 121 KB

