Agenda and minutes

South West Water Liaison Group - Wednesday 29th June 2016 2.30 pm

Venue: South West Water Offices, Countess Wear

Contact: Jo Quinnell, Assistant Democratic Services Officer (Committees)  Telephone 01392 265197 or email

No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Newby was elected as Chair.




Apologies were received from Kevin Bingham (Residents Representative) and Councillor Rob Hannaford (Portfolio Holder for Place).


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 49 KB


The revised terms of reference were noted.


Minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2016 pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2016 were agreed.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Operational Update


Nick Murch reported on the following:


·         The piling works currently taking place would finish on 30 June.

·         Works to the coarse inlet screen had been completed.  This will remove larger pieces of debris from the sewer to assist in preventing blockages.

·         The fine screen plant refurbishment would take place in September.

·         The odour control unit and standby sludge thickening plant will be operational by the end of July.  This will allow the dry solids to thicken up better to feed the digesters with.

·         The refurbishment of the grit system had been completed.

·         £10,000 of funding had been approved to complete further odour control works on site.  A series of poles would be installed at around 2.6m high and an odour spray will create a curtain along approximately 350m of the site boundary.  This will be weather controlled.  It was anticipated it will be operational within six weeks and feedback would be sought from the residents representative when installed.  Nick Murch would send further details to the Chair and Environmental Health.

·         Landscaping will commence in November


Complaints pdf icon PDF 81 KB


The complaints report was noted.


A number of complaints had been received from Newport Park.  However, after further investigation this appeared to fit with low tide and was estuary related.


Complaints were being received from the bottom end of Glasshouse Lane depending on wind direction.  This was being monitored and it was hoped that the new odour curtain spray would have some effect.


All waste from the Radio 1 Big Weekend had been taken to the works which had not resulted in any complaints.


A residents representative had advised of problems being experienced in relation to the Proactive Team responses which was raised at the last meeting.  There were some issues on Friday and no response was received to text messages.  This would be investigated and Tracey Hill advised that there had been no operational issues recently which demanded for proactive messages to be sent out.


Any other business


Nick Murch reported that Andrew Rowntree had been appointed as the new Operational Director, and would be invited to attend the next meeting.


Date of next meeting


The date of the next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 14 September at 2.30pm at SWW Offices, Countess Wear.