Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter
Contact: Sharon Sissons, Democratic Services Officer (Committees) Telephone 01392 265115 or email
No. | Item |
Minutes To sign the minutes of the Leisure Complex Programme Board meeting held on 26 October 2015. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2015 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as correct.
Declarations of Interest Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item. Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest were made. |
Draft Terms of Reference PDF 155 KB To agree an amended draft Terms of Reference for the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board. Minutes: A revised draft terms of reference for the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board was presented.
At the meeting of Executive on 18 January 2016, it was agreed that the Leisure Complex Programme Board would be reconstituted as the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board. Members of the Board now included seven Members of the City Council to ensure that the Board was politically balanced in accordance with the necessary proportionality requirements.
Presentation - Bus Station Scheme To receive a presentation on the proposed Bus Station. Consideration also to be given to the establishment of a new Bus User Forum. Minutes: Justin Pickford, Associate from Arcadis Design and Consultancy, provided a summary of the Bus Station Scheme. He referred to the key activities identified following approval by Executive on 18 January 2016 for expenditure of the budget in connection with the development of the new Bus Station, and Council, on the 20 January 2016, which granted outline planning approval for the new Bus Station. The scope of the new build Bus Station delivery programme was outlined, together with a potential timeline of the work plan, governance arrangements, as well as a draft engagement and consultation plan.
Six formal governance gateways were identified and these would require approval from this Programme Board to proceed:-
· Project Initiation · Concept Design · Detailed Design and Planning Application · Tender Design · Appointment of Contractor · Construction and Completion
Further work included exploring the opportunity to reduce the interim bus arrangements during the build process, as well as potentially reducing the economy of scale and consider the benefits of appointing one contractor to deliver the Bus Station and the Leisure Complex Project. One other important piece of work would be to develop an engagement strategy to ensure appropriate consultation with the public, interested parties and other stakeholders. It was anticipated that a Bus Users’ Forum would be formed, as well as holding a series of public consultation and workshop sessions, and although the list was not exhaustive, potential participants could include bus station users, the general public, representatives of the current bus operator, coach users, representatives of accessibility groups, local business representatives, and neighbouring local authorities as well as local Councillors.
Members thanked Justin Pickford for the presentation and wholeheartedly supported a rigorous consultation strategy.
RESOLVED that a Bus Users’ Forum Group be established, as soon as possible, to provide an opportunity for the public and all stakeholders to comment.
Presentation - Leisure Complex To receive a presentation on the Leisure Complex and progress to date from the Project Design Team.
Formal approval will be sought to proceed to the next stage of detailed design and submission of Planning Application documents. Minutes: Mark Thomas and Nic Bryant from AFLS +P Architects made a presentation of the summary of the Stage D work and included a vision and strategic brief which had been developed through the feasibility study. This included the provision of an enhanced facility mix, which had not changed since Stage C, apart from an increase in spectator seating to 250, to conform to and achieve the environmental factors and integration of the facility with the wider Crown Estates and Bus Station development and the city. The external finish of the building was also to be in keeping with the Council’s aspiration for a landmark facility, which would provide a focal point and sense of arrival in the city.
The Design Team sought formal approval to proceed to the next stage of detailed design, Stage E (Technical Design).
Nick Bryant informed the Programme Board of the ongoing dialogue with the Amateur Swimming Association National Facilities Department, Sport England and the Exeter City Council Independent Design Review and Advisory Panel. He also referred to the success of two open public exhibitions, targeted stakeholder consultation workshops, and smaller consultation exhibitions at the Riverside, Pyramids, and Northbrook swimming pools. The Design team had also specifically met with the Exeter Swimming Club and had been able to ensure an additional enhancement with increased spectator seating and fixed seating increased to 170 (including six wheelchair spaces) and demountable seating for 80 spectators during galas. A Member also referred to the work that had taken place with Bisnet, (behaviour intervention support) to ensure access for all.
Tomas Gartner of Gale & Snowdon Eco Design provided an update of the continuing environmental brief relating to the environmental factors. He confirmed that the facility remained on target to reach Passivhaus standard, which would deliver savings and benefits of 70% on energy costs, 50% reduction in water use, outstanding water and air quality and resilience from predicted future climate change.
It was noted that further consultation would take place in March to provide a continuing opportunity for public comment. A reserved matters planning application with the detail of the design was also due to be submitted to the planning authority once the Decision Notice had been issued for the Outline Application.
The Chair welcomed the work carried out by the Design Team, and stated that the project brief had been fulfilled, particularly in relation to the iconic design which would be an asset to the city. He thanked the Design Team for their informative presentation.
(1) the Project Team progress through Stage D, Detailed Design, Project Control Point, and in accordance with the Boards’ governance arrangements, proceed to Stage E, Technical Design;
(2) the Reserved Matters Planning Application be compiled, ready for issue, with approval to formally submit the Reserved Matters application once the decision Notice has been issued for the Outline Application; and
(3) commencement of further public consultation will take place in March 2016 be noted.
Date of Next Meeting The next Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board Meeting will be determined to coincide with the future programme gateway. Minutes: The next Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board meeting would be timed to coincide with the next programme gateway, and the date of this would be determined in due course.