Agenda and minutes

Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board - Tuesday 28th June 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Democratic Services Officer (Committees)  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item


Confirmation of Chair

To confirm the appointment of Chair. 



Councillor Bialyk was confirmed as Chair.




The minutes of the meetings held on 11 February and 17 March 2016 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as correct.   



The minutes of the meetings held on 11 February and 17 March 2016 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as correct.   



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.



No declarations of discloseable pecuniary interest were made.




Amended Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To agree an amended draft Terms of Reference for the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board.  



An amended terms of reference was presented to reflect the change of Chair from Councillor Edwards to Councillor Bialyk as Portfolio Holder for Sport and Health and Wellbeing and to note current membership.


A Member sought clarification of the changes in the terms of reference and the political representation.


The amended terms of reference for the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board were agreed.  



Presentation - The Bus Station Scheme

To receive a presentation on the Bus Station Scheme and progress to date from the Project Design Team.


To seek Members’ approval to progress to Control Point 3 – with the Presentation of Stage D Report, in relation to the Bus Station Project.


Formal approval will also be sought to proceed to the next stage.






The Design Team were in attendance to present the detail of the Stage D, Design and seek formal approval to progress with Stage E of the Bus Station Scheme.


Mark Thomas of AFLS +P Architects reminded Members of their recent work to progress through Stage D to work up a developed design, which included the development of the approved concept design to show the spatial arrangements, type of construction, materials, appearance and details proposals for structural and building services system and updated outline specifications.  He also referred to the successful public and stakeholder consultation events held in March and June which had provided valuable information for the Design Team.  They had also met over this time with representatives of a number of access groups including Living Options Devon, sight loss organisations, Exeter Dementia Action Alliance and Devon Senior Voice, and would continue to ensure that the Bus Station met the main requirements of such groups.  Colleagues at Exeter City Council also continued to engage with the Bus Users Forum.


Andrew Rolf of Arup Engineering provided an update of the key work carried out during the Stage D period to ensure the Bus Station would be appropriately supported, and fit within the space. He referred to an exercise including digital tracking of the bus apron which, was necessary to establish safeguarding of pedestrian movements.


Mark Thomas presented images of the proposed design including the glazing and materials finish of the Bus Station as well as a summary of the high level brief in respect of the proposed accommodation which would include the following: –


·         12 Bus bays and 4 lay over bays and small layover space

·         Waiting facilities which run the length of the Bus Station concourse as well as seating adjacent to each boarding point

·         Public toilet facilities (turnstile operation with separate male and female and a  combined toilet)

·         Public enquiries office incorporating travel shop

·         Retail kiosk

·         Bus Station Staff accommodation including canteen, kitchen, changing and rest room facilities

·         Inspector’s office, administration offices and bus driver paying-in facilities


The following design attributes had also been met to provide a positive visitor experience and these included -


·         fully enclosed concourse

·         good waiting facilities with adequate space for  passengers with luggage

·         fully accessible with the space including drop off points

·         the concourse to be public thoroughfare at all times

·         cycle parking

·         in accordance with environmental factors – low energy usage, climate change ready, healthy building

·         landscaping with an indicative planting pallet to offer a year around effect, and provide a separation between traffic and pedestrians.


The Design Team have held meetings with the Crown Estates Team and Devon County Council to discuss the capacity in relation to the Highway Authority and with the current operator Stagecoach to consider the requirements of any future operator in respect of the day to day operations of a Bus Station.


Mark Thomas responded to comments by the Chair over the capacity of the public toilet facilities, which met BS6465 standard and had taken account of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Bus Station - Interim Solution

To receive a presentation on the preferred interim solution arrangements whilst the Bus Station is being developed.


The Deputy Chief Executive referred to the development of an interim solution for the Bus Station whilst the new station is being developed.  Consideration of a number of sites, including the Triangle Car Park, were not deemed to have offered the best solution.  An on-street solution with temporary bus stands on Sidwell Street, combined with additional stands in Paris Street and Bampfylde Street and the temporary re-routing of traffic through Western Way and Southernhay was being explored. Members were advised that a further period of consultation would be required with local residents, businesses, a range of other stakeholders and Stagecoach.


 He confirmed that a meeting of the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board would be held on 12 July to enable Members to consider the details, including implementation of the proposed arrangements.  The Chair advised that Members had listened to the concerns of residents over the use of the Triangle Car Park, but reiterated the need for a suitable solution for a period of up to 18 months, whilst the Bus Station development was taking place.  He confirmed that two respective consultation evenings would be held on 5 and 6 July to allow residents and businesses to be consulted on proposals for a temporary traffic routing, and a temporary bus station solution.


Iain McNeill, Technical Director, WSP Group advised that these options were now being considered to create sufficient accommodation for buses to meet the requirements of Stagecoach’s operations.  There had been initial discussion with stakeholders and also the Chamber of Commerce. There was no desire to compromise the ability of businesses to operate in either Southernhay or Sidwell Street and gathering their views through consultation would be important. There would be a requirement to remove existing short stay pay and display parking bays on Sidwell Street to replace with bus stands as part of the temporary solution, but one benefit would be an increased footfall in the area. He confirmed that there were ongoing discussions with National Express to ensure they were included in satisfactory interim arrangements. The outcome of discussions with National Express would be provided at the Programme Board meeting on 12 July. It should be noted that the provision for temporary bus stands and the layover of buses will change as the work to develop the Bus Station progresses.


A Member enquired if any Pay and Display car parking spaces in Southernhay East would be displaced.  Ian McNeill stated that a small number of spaces would be lost to ensure a wider access to be created. He also responded to a comment on the number of planned bays, stating that whilst Stagecoach operated to a planned timetable, the number planned would offer Stagecoach a degree of flexibility to be able to cope with busy periods.


The Chair responded to a Member’s comment over ensuring that Devon County Council’s Elected Members and especially Members of Exeter’s Highways and Traffic Order Committee were kept fully informed, confirming that this would be the role of Devon County Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board Meeting will be determined to coincide with the next programme gateway, which is currently anticipated to be Monday 7 November 2016.  




The next Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board meeting would be held on Tuesday 12 July at 4.00pm.