Agenda and minutes

Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board - Tuesday 27th November 2018 5.30 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Democratic Services Officer (Committees)  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.



No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest were made.




St Sidwell’s Point, Exeter Bus Station, & Paris Street/Sidwell Street Future Development pdf icon PDF 121 KB

The Chief Executive & Growth Director to present a report and associated presentation in respect of the Leisure Centre and Bus Station buildings, and wider site.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive & Growth Director presented a report which sought approval for additional funding in relation to the development of the Leisure Complex (St Sidwell’s Point) and new Bus and Coach Station, and to seek authority to enter into a contract with the successful tenderer for the construction of both projects.


The report and a presentation provided a brief update of the projects, as well as a reminder of the approved budget of £39.2 million and subsequent decision of The Crown Estate and TH Real Estate not to progress with their proposed redevelopment scheme. He also included the context in which the wider redevelopment of the fixed boundary of the Bus and Coach Station site did not proceed.  Following a period of uncertainty whilst the scheme was amended to address the practical implications of the withdrawal, including derisking the site, he was able to confirm that a contractor had successfully tendered to build the Leisure Complex and Bus & Coach Station projects. The report also sought authority for the City Surveyor to progress plans to bring forward the redevelopment of the wider area, albeit, at this stage without a developer partner.


Members had continued to reaffirm their ongoing commitment to redevelop this key strategic city centre site despite the challenges of development of the remainder of the site, the topography and emerging interface issues for the Bus and Coach Station and Leisure Complex buildings.


The Project Officer for the Leisure Centre & Bus Station projects (Phil Lewis) was invited to advise the outcome of the two stage open book tendering exercise using the public sector framework, and subsequent work with the contractor to establish the price for the buildings. The procurement exercises had demonstrated the market value for the projects.  This process had allowed confidence that the price represented value for money for the specified scheme. This presentation concluded the proposed contract sum for the works was robust and generally consistent with previous procurements, the cost of the work was necessary for the level of quality and with regard to site constraints and issues.


The Chief Executive & Growth Director sought approval for the budget to be realigned with a request for an additional £11.88m, to cover the programme costs and contract price of building the Leisure Complex and Bus & Coach Station. He set out a breakdown of the revised cost for each of the projects:-


Leisure Complex £43.8m:-


·         Build Contract £34.9m

·         Project Costs £7.1m (including fees, planning, building control, Passivhaus Institute approvals, legal fees and investigations); and

·         Programme Costs £1.8m (including tenant and landlord obligations, operator procurement and communications costs)


Bus & Coach Station £8m

·        Build Contract price £5.85m

·         Projects Costs £1.35m (including design team  fees, planning, building control, procurement, legal fees)

·         Programme Costs £0.8m (including interim bus and coach arrangements, shelters and  highways amendments)


The Council had ring fenced income from new homes bonus, community infrastructure levy (CIL), Section 106 agreements and capital receipts for the purpose of delivering the Leisure Complex and Bus & Coach Station. This amounted to £33.65m. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.



To pass the following resolution:

RESOLVED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press excluded from the meeting for item 5 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.




RESOLVED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I, Schedule 12A of the Act.




The Project Manager to provide a presentation on the Contractor procurement exercise, outcome of the tender, and proposed contract matters for the Leisure Centre and Bus Station.



The Project Manager for the Leisure Centre & Bus Station was in attendance to provide a presentation on the Contractor procurement exercise, details of the tender, and proposed contract matters for the Leisure Centre and Bus Station.  He responded to comments on the level of risk to be borne by the contractor and City Council, and aspects of contamination of the site, and referred to a desk top study and watching brief.  The Programme Manager confirmed the approval mechanism of the Project Gateways by the Programme Board which had been identified at the very outset of the project. 


A Member wished to clarify whether the ensuing works required further authority. The Chief Executive & Growth Director explained that the Programme Board had delegated authority as a Sub-Committee of the Executive with the appropriate authority to progress the project.


RESOLVED that the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board noted the presentation and following the approval by Council in recommendations (3) and (4) of Minute 16 of the Programme Board, for funding and confirmation of the construction contract, the following authority is granted:- 


(1)        the acceptance of the outcome of the tender exercise and award of the contract to Kier Construction Ltd; and


(2)        authority be given to the Project Manager in the next stage of the works (Construction and Handover) to:-      


(a)        manage of the construction contract(s) as its Agent (the Employer’s Agent is a defined role under the construction contract);


(b)        with the prior permission of the Senior Responsible Officer to instruct variations to the contract, provided the impact of which is within the constraints of the agreed budget;


(c)        to produce, for the exclusive use of the Senior Responsible Officer and Programme Manager, a monthly report on progress, risks and issues relating to the works; and


(d)        in the event of a matter which may critically impact on the ability to deliver the project on budget or to the agreed programme, produce an Exception Report and present such to the Programme Board, seeking approvals as required or necessary.


Two Members abstained from voting on this matter.



Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board will be identified to coincide with the Programme gateway.


A further meeting of the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board would meet as and when required to suit the needs and demands of the projects within the programme.