Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions
Contact: Liz Smith, Democratic Services Officer Email
No. | Item |
To approve and sign the minutes of the Strategic Scrutiny Committee held on 6 June 2024.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2024 were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chair as correct.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made by Members.
Questions from Members of the Public Under Standing Order No.19 Details of questions should be notified to the Democratic Services Manager via the email by 10.00am at least three working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting any questions must be submitted by 10.00am on Monday 9 September.
For details about how to speak at Committee, please click the following link -
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by the public.
Questions from Members of the Council Under Standing Order No.20 To receive questions from Members of the Council to the relevant Portfolio Holders for this Scrutiny Committee. The Portfolio Holders reporting to this Scrutiny Committee are:-
Councillor Bialyk - Leader Councillor Allcock - Portfolio Holder City Development Councillor Parkhouse-Portfolio Holder Climate and Ecological Crisis Councillor Wood - Portfolio Holder Leisure Services and Physical Activity Councillor Wright - Portfolio Holder, Culture and City Centre Strategy
Advance questions from Members relating to the Portfolio Holders above should be notified to the Democratic Services Manager.
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order No. 20, the following questions were submitted by Councillor Moore and responses were given by Councillor Vizard, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Ecological Change and Communities.
Supplementary Question and Response
Councillor Moore asked when enforcement would be put in place and Councillor Vizard answered that deadlines would be in place as with any planning application.
2. NPPF consultation In the Council’s response to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation will the Portfolio Holder ask the Government to remove the provision for viability assessments (i.e. guaranteeing developer’s ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Portfolio Holder report - Councillor Vizard PDF 362 KB To receive a report from Councillor Vizard, the Portfolio Holder for Climate, Ecological Change and Communities.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Portfolio Holder and the Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero responded to Members’ questions making the following points: · That 22,797 homes were now part of the food waste scheme; · That 2,438.8 tonnes of food waste had been collected; · Calculating the carbon reduction of food waste was in progress; · Challenges of overall budget were included in the report; · Scrutiny would be welcomed in looking a ways to find net gains; · All areas are priority but that some were within the Council’s gift and others not; · That the Leader had called on DCC to engage regarding opportunities for a different model of bus service; · Existing ECC EV charging was not tied to the existing devon scheme; and · That revenue covers electricity and small surplus which is used for maintenance.
Working Towards Net Zero:ECC Corporate Carbon Footprint Report & Carbon reduction Action Plan To receive the verbal report from Head of Service, City Centre & Net Zero.
Minutes: Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero provided a verbal update on the Council’s Corporate Carbon Footprint Report and Carbon Reduction Action Plan making the following points:
· Recruitment challenges from the South West Energy & Environment Group, from the University, had now been overcome; · That SWEEG was now in its final stages of reporting to the Council; · A breakdown of the spend of the net zero budget would be provided within the next report; and · That the report would be presented in November.
City Wide Net Zero Programme and update on delivery To receive the verbal report of Head of Service, City Centre & Net Zero.
Minutes: Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero provided a verbal update on the Citywide Net Zero Programme making the following points:
· that the Net Zero City Wide Programme Manager had been recruited; · actions from the Exeter Net Zero 2030 plan were being updated; · the Exeter Net Zero 2030 plan was being cross-referenced with the Devon Carbon Plan and the Devon and Cornwall Adaptation Plan to create a work programme for the Programme Manager; · that a full list of additional actions were contained within the Portfolio Holder update; and · that the report would be presented in November.
The Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero answered a question from a Member stating that the work programme will cross-reference with the Climate Change Committee and National Action Plan.
Progress Report Shared Prosperity Fund update PDF 610 KB To receive the report updating Members on Exeter’s Shared Prosperity Fund.
Minutes: Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero presented the Progress Report of the Shared Prosperity Fund making the following points: · The Council had spent or allocated all of year 2 funding thereby releasing 100% of year 3 allocation, £892,000; · For year 3 projects, 50% of funding had been paid to the major projects with the remaining 50% due to be paid this month; · Year 3 focussed on support people with 3 major projects funded which include the Urban Learning Academy, the Exeter Youth Hub and Exeter College’s Retrofit Academy. · That there was a watching brief on the Prosper Project that may result in a small underspend on that project, but if that was the case existing projects would be reviewed and if they were unable to utilise the underspend then it maybe offered to projects which weren’t successful in achieving SPF funding; · That all funds must be spent by 31 March 2025; · No projects could roll into the next financial year; and · That it was anticipated that all funds would be spent within the timeframe.
The Head of Service, City Centre and Net Zero answered Members questions making the following points: · That they will link with the Urban Learning Academy regarding possible links between E5 and People and Skills; · Would link with project lead regarding biodiversity; and · Feasibility study outcomes and whether these were met would be brought to committee.
Forward Plan of Business and Scrutiny Work Plan PDF 233 KB Please see for noting a link to the schedule of future business proposed for the Council which can be viewed on the Council's web site. This on-line document is a source for Members to raise issues at Scrutiny on forthcoming Executive agenda items:-
Also attached is a draft work plan of future scrutiny items.
Should Members wish to raise issues in respect of future business please notify Liz Smith in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: Members commented on the work plan.
Councillor M Mitchell moved and Councillor Palmer seconded that the two Air Quality items be merged and following a vote this was not carried.
The Monitoring Officer clarified that SMB comments would mean the Strategic Scrutiny Committee would be fully informed and ensure the best report from officers. Councillor Hughes stated for the minutes that had additional information been available they would have voted differently.
Councillor Atkinson proposed and Councillor Knott seconded that the tabled Air Quality item be taken to SMB and returned to the committee with comments and following a vote was carried.
Councillor Knott proposed and Councillor Mitchell seconded that another meeting date be added in December for the Local Plan and following a vote was carried unanimously.
Members noted the Council’s Forward Plan and draft Scrutiny Work Plan.