Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions
Contact: Mark Devin, Democratic Services Manager Telephone 01392 265477 or email
No. | Item |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2023.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2023, were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Councillors are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests that relate to business on the agenda and which have not already been included in the register of interests, before any discussion takes place on the item. Unless the interest is sensitive, you must also disclose the nature of the interest. In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, you must then leave the room and must not participate in any further discussion of the item. Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made.
Questions from the Public Under Standing order No. 19 To receive questions relating to items on the Agenda from members of the public and responses thereto.
Details of questions should be notified to the Corporate Manager Democratic and Civic Support by 10.00am at least three working days prior to the meeting. Further information about speaking at a committee can be found here: Speaking at a Committee
Minutes: No questions from members of the public were received.
Appointment to Outside Bodies 2023 PDF 325 KB To consider the report of the Director Corporate Services.
Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed:
RECOMMENDED that Council:-
(1) approve the appointments contained in the updated Appendix presented at the meeting (appended to the minutes) and as amended at the meeting with immediate effect; and (2) grant delegated authority to the Director Corporate Services, in consultation with the Group Leaders, to appoint representatives to outside bodies when necessary, during the course of the Municipal Year.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the amended attachment included with the minutes and as amended at the meeting.
Minutes: The Executive received the annual report on appointing Members to the outside bodies, to ensure that there was Council representation to maintain effective partnerships with the external organisations.
Reference was made to Members having a duty of responsibility to an organisation, should the appointment hold a position of responsibility. Members were also reminded to update their Other Registerable Interest forms accordingly, for any appointments made, as set out under statutory requirements.
The Leader moved an updated list of proposed appointments which were tabled at the meeting and also advised on the following additional amendments:-
· Exeter Canal & Quay Trust Ltd - to remove Councillor Josie Parkhouse (Portfolio Holder for Climate & Ecological Crisis); and
· Exeter Church Charities – Councillor Alison Sheridan to replace Alderman John Landers.
The proposed amendments and updated list of appointments are appended to the minutes.
The Leader advised that several of the proposed appointments were for the Portfolio Holders, given the relationship with the portfolio holder’s work. He also advised that appointments to outside bodies were not governed by the Local Government Act and were being made to provide suitable Council representation accordingly.
Members noted that the outside bodies would be reviewed to ensure that the Council interests for appointments on the outside body would continue to be relevant.
Councillor M. Mitchell, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. He suggested that an audit be undertaken to assess which outside bodies were still in operation and if it was still a requirement for Members to be appointed. An annual report from Members would also be welcomed to review the work that had been undertaken with the outside bodies, which he suggested could be reported to either a Scrutiny Committee or to the Executive.
In response to a question from a Member, the Democratic Services Manager advised that each year, all outside bodies were written to, notifying them of the respective appointments. This year they would also be requested to provide any administrative updates, a summary of the number of meetings held and work undertaken.
The Leader in concluding, advised that there was long history of appointing Councillors to outside bodies which needed to be maintained, however, it was important to ensure that any appointments made continued to be relevant.
RECOMMENDED that Council:-
(1) approve the appointments contained in the updated Appendix presented at the meeting (appended to the minutes) and as amended at the meeting with immediate effect; and (2) grant delegated authority to the Director Corporate Services, in consultation with the Group Leaders, to appoint representatives to outside bodies when necessary, during the course of the Municipal Year.
Members' Allowances and Expenses Paid 2022/23 PDF 512 KB To consider the report of the Director Corporate Services.
Additional documents: Decision: Agreed:
RESOLVED that Executive Committee note the allowances paid and the expenses claimed by Members in 2022/23.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
Minutes: The Executive received the report on expenses and allowances paid to elected Members in 2022/23, which, the Council had a statutory obligation to publish each financial year.
Particular reference was made to the Members Allowances which were set accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel.
RESOLVED that Executive Committee note the allowances paid and the expenses claimed by Members in 2022/23.
To consider the report of the Director Corporate Services.
Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed:
RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
Minutes: The Executive received the report which provided an update on the progress of work on the Members’ training programme. Members were reminded that the Councillor Development Steering Group had requested regular reports to be presented to the Executive providing a regular update on the Members’ training programme. The report highlighted Members’ attendance for the various training sessions held since December 2022, and provided Councillor Feedback to date on training or briefing sessions that they had attended.
Particular reference was made to number of events held during the period had equated to an 8% increase in attendance since the last report. Although, the volume of feedback had decreased, of the responses received, 82% were very satisfied with the training provided. Members were also encouraged to continue using the Councillor Feedback forms and where they were unable to be in attendance, to view the session recordings and notify Democratic Services accordingly. Members noted that SSS Training Platform licence would expire later in year and were also encouraged to complete any available training as soon as possible.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. She welcomed the report and thanked officers for the training that had been provided. She highlighted the need to bring Scrutiny training forward, particularly for new Members.
In response to a question raised, the Democratic Services Manager advised that feedback was made through the provided form links and that Members would continue to be encouraged to send the forms in, following each training session. It was hoped that with more training being provided, that the response rate would increase.
During the discussion the following points were made:-
· the SSS Training system provided many training courses, which were highly relevant to Members to undertake; · Members were individually responsible for GDPR matters and GDPR training was available on the SSS Training platform, which Members, should consider completing; and · there was an issue with links to the feedback forms on the Councillor iPad’s, and alternative means of navigation to the forms were often difficult for Members and needed to be addressed.
RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.