Agenda item

Portfolio Holders' priorities for the forthcoming year

Councillors R.M. Hannaford (Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion) and Councillor G.N. Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure) will present a verbal report on the priorities for the forthcoming year in light of the Committee’s work programme.



Councillor Newcombe declared a personal interest as a Devon County Councillor and the Chair of the County Council’s People’s Scrutiny Committee.

Together with an update in respect of priorities for 2010/11, Councillor Sheldon presented the priorities within the Environment and Leisure Portfolio for the forthcoming year. Both reports are attached to these minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions:-


·            although graffiti could be required to be removed from public buildings, bus shelters etc., it was only possible to remove these from private property with the owners’ consent. In some cases, the expense was considerable and therefore a charge was made;

·            solutions to address problems associated with the accumulation of rubbish in back alleys would be actively pursued;

·            means of further improving recycling rates would be investigated including potential schemes for improving glass collection. Because of the associated costs, any proposals for glass collection would be reported to this Committee;

·            in conjunction with the University, additional waste collections were being arranged for the end of term period in key areas. There would be community collections on 11 and 23 June 2011 with additional domestic collections scheduled for the period 13 June - 1 July. The University were proactively assisting in educating students in the collection regime. Similarly, schemes for the other end of term periods would be examined; and

·            the provision of additional play equipment and the protection from vandalism of existing equipment had been identified as priorities.


Together with an update in respect of priorities for 2010/11, Councillor RM Hannaford presented the priorities within the Housing and Community Involvement Portfolio for the forthcoming year. Both reports are attached to these minutes.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions:-


·            the reduction of empty properties was a priority and the empty homes team had been restructured to this end. Empty Dwellings’ Management Orders were a possible avenue for bringing empty properties back into use where informal approaches had failed;

·            the 30 year business plan for housing would take into account the new Council Housing Finance reform and an interim report with indicative figures would be submitted to the next meeting of this Committee in September, with final figures likely to be known in the New Year;

·            the affordable housing target for 2011/12 was 150;

·            improved dialogue with other housing providers would be a further target as would continuing partnership work with other agencies such as the Police within the neighbourhood management policy;

·            negotiations were ongoing with the County Council in respect of continued housing support within the Supporting People framework for older persons’ housing related services;

·            because of the potential for further harsh winter weather, provision for rough sleepers would be re-assessed;

·            dialogue with developers would continue as an important aspect of maximising opportunities for the provision of affordable housing with a view to seeking different structures for their provision; and

·            in the same way as liaison meetings with social landlords and tenants were central to housing management practice, consideration would be given to establishing similar dialogue with residents of the City’s four Residential Park Homes sites.


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the achievements and priorities presented.


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