Agenda item

PLANNING APPLICATION NO.12/0327/03 & LISTED BUILDING CONSENT NO.12/0328/07 - Magnolia House and Acacia House, Friars Green, Exeter, EX2 4DB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.


(Report circulated)



The Senior Area Planning Officer presented the planning application and listed building consent for the sub division of the two existing dwellings to create three new dwellings with associated internal and external works, construction of two new dwellings to south east corner of site, new access road, parking and bin storage at Magnolia House and Acacia House, Friars Green, Exeter.


The existing dwellings were Grade II listed buildings and in a poor state of repair, this proposal sought to convert the existing properties in to three dwellings and also provide two additional new dwellings. Two additional letters of objection had been received raising the same issues as set out in the objections section of the main report.  In particular they expressed concern regarding the quality of the design of the new dwellings, the impact on views down Friars Gate and the impact on the open character of the area.


The recommendation was for approval of the planning application and listed building consent subject to a Section 106 Agreement (planning application only) and conditions as set out in the report and an additional condition regarding the removal of permitted development rights.


The Senior Area Planning Officer clarified that Exeter Civic Society had not commented and that a condition requiring a wildlife plan could be added to any approval.


Councillor Mrs Brock, having given notice under Standing Order No. 44, spoke on this item. Councillor Mrs Brock declared a personal interest as a member of the RSPB. She circulated photographs of the site and raised the following points:-

  • concern over the proposed two new dwellings
  • the applicant’s website stated that the converted properties and the two new dwellings would be available in the future; a decision had not  yet been made
  • over 20 letters of objection had been received
  • no problem with the conversion of existing properties as they had been neglected and were deteriorating
  • the two new dwellings did not fit in well with the area; although the nearby Cygnet Theatre and the Salvation Army were high buildings these were long established buildings and part of the scene; would change the skyline and were too high; would conflict with the character of the area; detract from the area as would be dominant in the street scene as you approached the site; consideration was being made to hide the parking but these dwellings would be very prominent
  • this was a highly regarded area with Georgian and listed properties
  • would like to see the listed properties restored, a bungalow with reduced height would be more suitable in the location of the proposed new dwellings
  • would have negative impact on the conservation area.


Councillor Laws, having given notice under Standing Order No. 44, spoke on this item. She raised the following points:-

  • supported the comments of Councillor Mrs Brock
  • had walked the site and the setting had an open feel
  • in the Conservation Area Appraisal the view down Friars Gate was stated as important; these dwellings would spoil those views
  • the two new dwellings would cause permanent harm to the area;
  • a smaller lower set building would be more appropriate
  • this was a site on the Red Coats tour
  • visiting the site was a valuable exercise
  • these two new dwellings would be cause damage to the character of the area.


Mr Turner (Agent) spoke in support of the applications. He raised the following points:-

  • had been working on the plans for this site for 12 months
  • the new build was not out of keeping with other properties in the area
  • at Colleton Hill there were compact homes
  • the new dwellings were simple and contemporary and would not dominate the street scene; were subservient buildings and invisible on the skyline
  • had taken care when designing the buildings considering the Cygnet Theatre and the Salvation Army building
  • would bring character to this corner of the site
  • there were cost implications to the scheme with the refurbishment of the listed buildings although it was still a low density proposal.


In response to Members, Mr Turner clarified that without this additional housing the scheme would not be viable; a bungalow would not be an option as demand for bungalows was low; the materials to be used were render, timber joinery and slate roof; landscaping would be conditioned; and would restore the wall surrounding the site.


Members raised concerns regarding the impact and the possible over dominance that the proposed two new dwellings could have on the character of the area and requested a site visit by all Planning Committee Members.


RESOLVED that planning permission for sub division of two existing dwellings to create three new dwellings with associated internal and external works, construction of two new dwellings to south east corner of site, new access road, parking and bin storage be deferred for a site inspection by all Planning Committee Members to assess the impact of the proposed two new dwellings on the character of the area.


RESOLVED that be listed building consent for sub division of two existing dwellings to create three new dwellings with associated internal and external works, construction of two new dwellings to south east corner of site, new access road, parking and bin storage be deferred for a site inspection by all Planning Committee Members to assess the impact of the proposed two new dwellings on the character of the area.


(Report circulated)


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