Agenda item

PLANNING APPLICATION NO.12/0922/03 & LISTED BUILDING CONSENT NO. 12/0923/07 - 15 Regents Park, Exeter, EX1 2NT

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.


(Report circulated)



The Assistant Director City Development presented the planning application and listed building consent for alterations to provide three separate apartments at 15 Regents Park, Exeter.


The application related to a Grade II Listed Building located within the Mont le Grand Conservation Area. The dwelling was built around 1830/1840 and was a three storey mid-terraced house. The property was recognised as making a positive contribution to the area.


Earlier in 2012, a certificate of lawfulness of existing use for three flats was submitted by the same applicant and due to a number of anomalies with the floor plan, coupled with a break in use following the death of the previous owner, the Local Planning Authority were legally advised not to issue the certificate. The applicant had withdrawn that application and submitted a planning application and a listed building consent to convert the property into three self-contained apartments.


Members were advised that although the consultation period did not end until 2 August 2012 the recommendation was to delegate to the Assistant Director City Development to approve both the planning application and listed building consent subject to no significant new issues being raised post committee and the conditions as set out in the report.


Members were circulated with an update sheet giving details that an objection that had been received relating to the basement the basement did not form part of this proposal.


The Assistant Director City Development reported that further emails and letters of objection had been received from 9, 11 and 13 Regents Park. They raised concerns regarding the consultation period; being able to register to speak at committee; works undertaken in the basement: and inadequate proposed parking arrangements.


Members were advised that the Highways Authority had not objected.


In response to Members, the Assistant Director City Development clarified the position with regards to the previous use as three flats including the internal layout and the parking arrangements which included three garages to the rear and two off-road parking spaces at the front of the property. Any future residents would also be able to apply for residents parking permits.


Mr Turner (Agent) spoke in support of the applications. He raised the following points:-

  • it had been considered appropriate to apply for planning permission and listed building consent rather than a certificate of lawfulness
  • this property had been divided into three flats for some time
  • council tax confirmed that there had been three flats in the property: there were also three separate water and electric meters
  • although access to the three rear garages was compact there was enough space to allow cars to manoeuvre
  • would create flats suitable for professionals working in the city
  • within walking distance of city centre making it less desirable to drive
  • site would take up to five cars; residents could also apply for a residents parking permit
  • would bring back this run down property to life.


In response to Members’ questions, Mr Turner clarified that if the rear garages were removed then there could be space for up to four cars; the garages could be reconfigured to make three garages all of the same size; the basement was damp and dingy some work had been undertaken to stop a water leak; and there would be access from the rear garages into the flats.


During discussion Member’s raised the following points:-

  • on road parking was already a problem in the area and turning at the end of the road was very difficult
  • concern that the consultation period did not end until 2 August 2012
  • the garages at the rear were very tight; could you actually park a car in them and then get out?
  • applications should be deferred to allow for the consultation period to expire and also enable a site visit by all Planning Committee Members to assess, in particular, the parking arrangements


The Planning Solicitor clarified the position with regards to the certificate of lawfulness of existing use for three flats and that although the history of the site was relevant there was no current permission or right for the property to be sub-divided into three flats.


RESOLVED that planning permission for alterations to provide three separate apartments be deferred to enable the consultation period to expire (2 August 2012) and for site inspection by all Planning Committee.


RESOLVED that listed building consent for alterations to provide three separate apartments be deferred to enable the consultation period to expire (2 August 2012) and for site inspection by all Planning Committee.


(Report circulated)


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