Agenda item

PLANNING APPLICATION NO.12/1522/03 - Land off, Ennerdale Way, Exeter, EX4 2BJ

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.


(Report circulated)



Councillor Morris left the meeting during consideration of this item.


The Assistant Director City Development presented the application for three residential buildings comprising eight flats and one coach house, access to highway, parking and associated works at Land off, Ennerdale Way, Exeter.


Members were circulated with an update sheet - attached to minutes. Revised plans had been received indicating the area of communal open space proposed.


The recommendation was to authorise the Assistant Director City Development to approve the application, subject to the receipt of a Building for Life assessment, revised landscape plans indicating the extent of the communal open space, a financial contribution towards protection of Natura 2000 sites and the conditions as set out in the report.


A management plan was sought in respect of the use of the communal garden area and car parking arrangements.


Councillor Hannaford, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on this item. He raised the following points:-


·         scheme will contribute to the tidying up and enhancement of the area generally and reduce security problems

·         Cornerstone are the largest provider of social housing in the Exwick area

·         other Cornerstone schemes in Exeter were well designed

·         although some of the existing tenants in the flats adjoining the site will have reduced views, the provision of an improved community area will benefit all and enhance community interaction. This part of the City possessed significant areas of open space for use by residents.


Ms Seaborne (applicant) spoke in support of this application. She raised the following points:-


·         Cornerstone is an established Housing Association managing 1,200 homes in Exeter and specialising in affordable housing

·         the site has been long identified for nine new affordable homes and grant support is available from the Homes and Communities Agency. The units will be built within an existing estate of 28 homes

·         a new landscaping scheme will be provided, to possibly include allotments

·         scheme supported by Exeter City Council housing section as it contributes to meeting the significant demand for affordable homes in Exeter

·         a range of units will be provided including one bed flats for singles and couples on the first floor and two bed flats for small families and those with disabilities on the ground floor

·         close to shops and open space and provides a safe and secure environment for tenants


She responded as follows to Members’ queries:-


·         a landscape architect has been engaged to deliver a landscape scheme in consultation with the residents

·         apart from two objections, the majority of tenants were agreeable to the loss of their garden areas to facilitate a communal garden. There was unanimous support for landscaping the waste ground adjacent to the Civil Service Club

·         a parking management plan will be provided


RESOLVED that, subject to an additional condition requiring the submission of a management plan for both a communal garden area and car parking arrangements, the application for planning permission for three residential buildings comprising eight flats and one coach house, access to highway, parking and associated works be delegated to the Assistant Director City Development to approve subject to the receipt of revised landscape plans indicating the extent of the communal open space, a financial contribution towards protection of Natura 2000 sites and the following conditions:-



C05  -  Time Limit - Commencement



C15  -  Compliance with Drawings



C17  -  Submission of Materials



C35  -  Landscape Scheme



C37  -  Replacement Planting



Notwithstanding condition no 2, no work shall commence on site under this permission until full details of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the following shall thereafter be provided in accordance with such details:

a) windows to include materials, means of opening, reveals, cills and headers;

b) external doors;

c) rainwater goods;

d) lighting;

e) treatment of balcony;

f) obscure glazing within the first floor windows of the western elevation;

h) location of site compound

Reason: Insufficient information has been submitted with the application and in the interests of visual amenity.



Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted, secure cycle parking shall be provided in location shown on drawing no. in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and the cycle parking shall be maintained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure that cycle parking is provided, to encourage travel by sustainable means.



No part of the development hereby approved shall be commenced until a method of demolition and construction statement, to include details of: 

a) parking and vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors;

b) loading and unloading of planting and materials;

c) storage of plant and materials;

d) programme of works to include measures for traffic management;

e) vehicle washdown measures and facilities; and

f) provision of boundary hoarding

have been submitted to, agreed and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and carried out in accordance with the agreed details throughout the development works.

Reason: In the interests of public safety and to ensure that adequate on-site facilities are available throughout the development period.



Construction work shall not take place outside the following times; 8am to 6pm (Mondays to Fridays); 8am to 1pm (Saturdays); nor at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.

Reason: In the interest of residential amenity.



No development shall take place unless and until details of swift boxes have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the RSPB. Thereafter the development shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the approved plan.

Reason: To ensure that the wildlife opportunities associated with the site are maximised in the interests of biodiversity in the locality.



C70  -  Contaminated Land.


(Report circulated)


Supporting documents: