Agenda item

Planning Application No. 14/1090/02 - Tithebarn Green, Monkerton, Exeter

To consider the report of the Assistant Director City Development.



The Principal Project Manager (Development) presented the application for 350 dwellings (approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, Ref No 12/0802/01 granted 29 November 2013). He confirmed that revised plans had been received that satisfactorily addressed the outstanding concerns over wheelchair accessible dwellings and that the recommendation was now to approve. Condition one would be amended to include revised plans.


He referred to an email from Grace Carleton stating that “the section in the south east of the site is located in the Monkerton Ridge Park area and is part of the picturesque ridge. This area should be kept as green as possible with planting of plants and trees. It is understood that this will be addressed later as it does not form part of this application. It is also understood that the master-plan states that development in this section should be sensitive to the ridge. The NPPF also stated that development should not affect important landscapes.”


Members were circulated with an update sheet - attached to minutes.


Mrs Foster spoke against the application. She circulated photographs showing flooding of her garden and raised the following points:-


·      severe concerns about potential for flooding in the area generally and specifically at my property as a result of the development;

·      there are few trees and poor hedgerows near my house with brambles etc. often cut back by Network Rail and their absence exacerbates the flooding problems as there is insufficient vegetation to absorb the water;

·      the culvert passing through the garden has flooded in the past (as shown by circulated photographs) as it links to the poorly drained adjacent fields. It runs under the railway line;

·      the additional concreting over of open space and provision of hard-standings will increase the likelihood of flooding in the future;

·      have written to Linden Homes but no response has been received;

·      ask that no approval be granted until reassurances obtained on the planting of additional trees and hedgerows, special drainage arrangements and the integration of the culvert with the attenuation pond.


Mr Jewson spoke in support of the application. He raised the following points:-


  • outline planning permission was granted in 2013 and the reserved matters seek to present a development of good scale and form;
  • it is not unusual for reserved matters to be phased but this development is presented in its entirety;
  • caters for affordable housing, wheelchair access, open space and drainage;
  • pre application negotiation commenced in February with the reserved matters application in May and extensive consultations have been undertaken with officers over the last seven months with a number of amendments taken on board and terms reached for a Section 106 Agreement;
  • the development provides for 350 much needed housing units, including 87 affordable housing units;
  • the development co-ordinates with the Tithebarn Link Road;
  • current surface water problems relate to the open fields and will be addressed through the provision of an attenuation pond which will collect excess water and release in a controlled and effective way; and
  • the client will liaise with Mrs Nora Foster regarding her concerns relating to flooding.


It was agreed that details of drainage required under condition 13 of the outline consent would be approved by the Assistant Director City Development, subject to prior consultation with the Chair.


He responded as follows to Members’ queries:


·         confirmed that Linden Homes are committed to District Heating as required by the Section 106 Agreement, that the applicant is in contact with E.on who are developing the district network and that it is the intention for the homes to be linked to the network. The certainty over dwelling numbers and layout allows them to move this forward.


RESOLVED that the application for planning permission for application for 350 dwellings (approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, Ref No 12/0802/01 granted 29 November 2013), be APPROVED subject to the following conditions, or as otherwise agreed in the aforementioned manner.


1)     The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 20 November, as amended by plans received 27 November 2014, 3 December and 8 December and as modified by other conditions of this consent.

        Reason:  In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.


2)     All conditions imposed on notice of outline approval (ref no. 12/0802/01) are hereby reiterated in as much as they relate to the development and have yet to be discharged in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

        Reason: To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in respect of the reserved matters.


3)     Details of the provision of nesting and roosting cavities within the buildings hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall subsequently be implemented on site.

        Reason: In the interests of sustainable development.


4)     Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted a revised landscape Strategy Plan and planting schedule shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval (who shall consult with the highways Agency on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport). Planting shall be undertaken in accordance with the agreed plan/schedule and maintained as such thereafter.

        Reason: In the interests of the safe and efficient operation of the M5 motorway.


5)    No more than 80% ofthedwellingshereby approved on landnorthofthe Pinn Brook shallbe occupieduntila shared use pedestrian/cycle connection to theadopted footpath joiningtoBabblebrookMews hasbeen providedand madeavailablefor publicuse,in accordance with details that have been approvedin writingby the LocalPlanning Authority.

       Reason:Toprovideadequatefacilities to promotethe use of sustainable modes,in accordance with Section4 oftheNPPF.


6)    No more than 80% ofthedwellingshereby approved on landnorthofthe Pinn Brook shallbe occupieduntila shared use pedestrian/cycle connection to thenorthernboundarywith the railway line hasbeen providedand madeavailablefor publicuse,in accordance with detailsthat havebeen approved in writingbythe LocalPlanningAuthority.

       Reason:Toprovideadequatefacilities to promotethe use of sustainable modes,in accordance with Section4 oftheNPPF.


7)     no more than 50% of the dwellings hereby approved on landnorthofthe Pinn Brook shallbe occupieduntila shared use pedestrian/cycle connection to TithebarnLane hasbeen provided and made available for public use,in accordance withdetailsthat havebeen approved in writingby the LocalPlanning.

        Reason:Toprovideadequatefacilities to promotethe use of sustainable modes,in accordance with Section4 oftheNPPF.




Supporting documents: