Agenda item

Presentation - The Bus Station Scheme

To receive a presentation on the Bus Station Scheme and progress to date from the Project Design Team.


Formal approval will be sought to precede to the next stage of design.


The Design Team were in attendance to present the detail of the Stage C Concept Design work to date on the Bus Station Scheme.  Nic Bryant reminded Members of the resolution by Council on 20 January 2016, to grant outline planning approval to proceed with the development of the new Bus Station, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.  He also referred to the meeting of the Programme Board held on 11 February 2016, when the scope of the Bus Station programme was first presented. He outlined the arrangement and massing of the proposed design and confirmed that formal approval would also be sought to proceed to the next stage of detailed design, Stage D.


Nic Bryant presented the detail of the main design attributes, and the aspiration to provide a modern facility that was fit for purpose. He outlined the efforts being made to respond to comments made at the recent consultation event, and also to the original masterplan developed by Crown Estates, both of which had offered a platform to commence their work.  He referred to a review of the existing design parameters and set out the build options, including the concourse arrangements and consideration of the intended vehicle movements. The Design Team had also carried out further research as part of a review of the precedent design to ensure that the site levels between Princesshay and Paris Street were addressed. Chris Chambers of Arup, confirmed that they had, in effect, designed out and reduced the incline of the site to an acceptable level of a 1 in 60 gradient.


Nic Bryant outlined a summary of the Stage C Brief and the proposed detail, which would include a single storey build with an enclosed concourse, and canopy extending over the doors of the buses to afford protection for alighting passengers,  the brief also included for:- 


       12 Bus bays and 2 lay over bays

       Waiting facilities

       Enquiries office

       Retail kiosk

       Public toilet facilities

       Bus Driver paying-in facilities

       Staff canteen/rest room

       Inspector’s office

       Two small administration offices

       Staff toilets


The Design Team also presented their consideration of the main Design Attributes:-


       provision of a positive visitor experience

       adequate capacity to deal with increased numbers

       the concourse to be a public thoroughfare open at all times

       fully accessible

       provision of cycle parking

       good waiting facilities

       to make best use of natural light

       sufficient space for people with luggage

       an extended canopy to allow passengers to remain dry when boarding

       to explore enclosed concourse


          A Member enquired if there had been any acknowledgment of the current passenger numbers for Stagecoach and National Express and whether the Bus Station would be able to adequately accommodate future bus and coach movements. The Member also commented on the provision for National Express and other coach operators. Nic Bryant referred to the detail of the public consultation, which would be reviewed by the Council and he welcomed sight of the document referred to by the Member. Chris Chambers provided reassurance that the feasibility study inherited from the Crown Estate design included the necessary due diligence to ensure there was the required capacity on the site.  A Member welcomed the emphasis on public safety and the suggested efforts to minimise passenger access onto the concourse.  Chris Chambers provide information on the anticipated vehicle tracking on the concourse.


A Member welcomed the response by the public to the consultation event, and that the submissions would be analysed to produce the headline results.  A Member requested consideration that future work include a continuation of the dialogue with representative groups and potential bus operators of the new Bus Station. The Member suggested that more convenient and imaginative opportunities for passengers could be explored, possibly alighting in the shopping area and relieving pressure on the Bus Station, allowing coach parking within the site.  He also suggested out of town coach pick up points might be pursued, such as from the Park and Ride or motorway services to avoid lengthy time delays coming into the city centre.  The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that a number of meetings had been held with Stagecoach, and contact had also been made with National Express to discuss some options, as the desire to see coaches in the Bus Station was recognised.  It was important to establish the current use, and to that end, consideration had already been made to carry out a survey of coach passengers’ journey details, which would provide useful data for the next stage of the process.




(1)     the Project Team progress with Stage D, Detailed Design, through the Project Control Point, and in accordance with the Programme Board’s governance arrangements;

(2)     a further consultation event be held on 18 May 2016 at the Guildhall; and

(3)     further discussion be held with National Express and other potential Bus Operators to determine the optimum operational arrangements.