Agenda item

University Task and Finish Group - Final Report

To consider the report of the Chair of the University Task and Finish Group.


Councillor Brimble, as Chair of the University Task and Finish Group and the Scrutiny Programme Officer presented the report on the findings and recommendations of the Group for approval by Place Scrutiny Committee. The report and recommendations had also been presented for comment by the Members of People Scrutiny Committee. The Group had explored the impact by Exeter University on the city with the aim to continue to develop and improve the positive relationship.


Councillor Brimble referred to the commitment by the Task and Finish Group to identify key issues for discussion and put forward solutions to some of the issues raised as part of the student’s inclusion in the community and life of the city.  He responded to a comment over the level of purpose built accommodation, and advised that it was encouraging to have an expansion plan to achieve more accommodation for students on campus.  Members were aware that student accommodation was being considered by the Planning Member Working Group and they looked forward to an update in due course.  A Member also referred to the recent approach to parking enforcement in residential areas close to Exeter University which saw high levels of parking by students and staff.  He hoped that every effort would be made to encourage both students and staff to make best use of all forms of transport.


Councillor Brimble thanked the Scrutiny Programme Officer for her valuable assistance with the Group’s work.


Place Scrutiny Committee supported the following recommendations:-


Topic 1: Retention of Graduates


The Council:-

(1)        facilitates a meeting between the Federation of Small Businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, Exeter University and the Council’s Economy Department to encourage a joint approach to retaining graduates in the City.

(2)        shares the list of companies (particularly tech companies) with Exeter University to develop the aim mentioned in Recommendation 1.

(3)        facilitates a networking event to encourage and support a good relationship between key organisations, businesses and Exeter University and Colleges.

(4)        explores the opportunities available to support the Innovation Centre in increasing the number of start-up weekends held and developing them into a regional network that involves Exeter residents.


Topic 2: Anti-Social Behaviour

The Council:-

(5)        encourages the Students’ Guild to expand the “big street party” event to cover different areas across the City.


Topic 3: Waste, Recycling and Littering

The Council:-

(6)       explores the opportunities for sponsorship and provision of cardboard bottle carriers to student households which also advertise where recycling facilities are located.

(7)       explores the possibility of a pilot scheme where temporary recycling facilities are situated in highly populated student areas at the end of term.

(8)       enquire whether student wardens are able to support the educational work of the Council’s Recycling Team in visiting student houses identified as a priority.

(9)        encourage the students, with the support of the Students’ Guild, to make a promotional, educational video on effective waste and recycling which other students can easily access on line.


Topic 4: Volunteering

The Council:-

(10)      sponsors a student volunteering award to be presented at the Guildhall and publicised via the Exeter Citizen and Exepose publications.

(11)      liaise with the Student Opportunities Manager (Students’ Guild) to explore buddying community groups with student volunteers.

(12)      encourages key organisations to highlight and publicise the good work that student volunteers already do for their organisations across Exeter.


Topic 5: Planning and Student Accommodation

The Council:-

(13)      encourages and supports the Students’ Guild to explore the possibility of Co-operative Housing.

(14)      reviews the level of developers’ contributions to infrastructure in respect of student accommodation, should an overall review of the Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule be undertaken in future.

(15)      positively highlight, through a timely press release, the management requirements that accompany planning approvals on Purpose Built Student Accommodation blocks (PBSA’s); the Central Government funding that PBSA’s bring to the City and the effect of students moving from Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) to PBSA’s.

(16)      arrange for a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group to investigate the possibility of an HMO/landlord accreditation scheme, engaging with key partners to explore the possibilities and how the Council could support work which may already be underway.


Topic 6: Parking

The Council:-

(17)      supports the University in developing their updated Sustainable Transport Strategy, ensuring, in so far as is possible, the involvement of both Exeter City Councillors and Officers.

Supporting documents: