Agenda item

Presentation - The Bus Station Scheme

To receive a presentation on the Bus Station Scheme and progress to date from the Project Design Team.


To seek Members’ approval to progress to Control Point 3 – with the Presentation of Stage D Report, in relation to the Bus Station Project.


Formal approval will also be sought to proceed to the next stage.






The Design Team were in attendance to present the detail of the Stage D, Design and seek formal approval to progress with Stage E of the Bus Station Scheme.


Mark Thomas of AFLS +P Architects reminded Members of their recent work to progress through Stage D to work up a developed design, which included the development of the approved concept design to show the spatial arrangements, type of construction, materials, appearance and details proposals for structural and building services system and updated outline specifications.  He also referred to the successful public and stakeholder consultation events held in March and June which had provided valuable information for the Design Team.  They had also met over this time with representatives of a number of access groups including Living Options Devon, sight loss organisations, Exeter Dementia Action Alliance and Devon Senior Voice, and would continue to ensure that the Bus Station met the main requirements of such groups.  Colleagues at Exeter City Council also continued to engage with the Bus Users Forum.


Andrew Rolf of Arup Engineering provided an update of the key work carried out during the Stage D period to ensure the Bus Station would be appropriately supported, and fit within the space. He referred to an exercise including digital tracking of the bus apron which, was necessary to establish safeguarding of pedestrian movements.


Mark Thomas presented images of the proposed design including the glazing and materials finish of the Bus Station as well as a summary of the high level brief in respect of the proposed accommodation which would include the following: –


·         12 Bus bays and 4 lay over bays and small layover space

·         Waiting facilities which run the length of the Bus Station concourse as well as seating adjacent to each boarding point

·         Public toilet facilities (turnstile operation with separate male and female and a  combined toilet)

·         Public enquiries office incorporating travel shop

·         Retail kiosk

·         Bus Station Staff accommodation including canteen, kitchen, changing and rest room facilities

·         Inspector’s office, administration offices and bus driver paying-in facilities


The following design attributes had also been met to provide a positive visitor experience and these included -


·         fully enclosed concourse

·         good waiting facilities with adequate space for  passengers with luggage

·         fully accessible with the space including drop off points

·         the concourse to be public thoroughfare at all times

·         cycle parking

·         in accordance with environmental factors – low energy usage, climate change ready, healthy building

·         landscaping with an indicative planting pallet to offer a year around effect, and provide a separation between traffic and pedestrians.


The Design Team have held meetings with the Crown Estates Team and Devon County Council to discuss the capacity in relation to the Highway Authority and with the current operator Stagecoach to consider the requirements of any future operator in respect of the day to day operations of a Bus Station.


Mark Thomas responded to comments by the Chair over the capacity of the public toilet facilities, which met BS6465 standard and had taken account of the number of people who would use the facility, which would have a paying turn style arrangement. The Deputy Chief Executive referred to the importance of adopting a suitable approach to the cleaning, overall maintenance and inspection regime, which, he confirmed would be taken forward as part of the overall contractual arrangement.  He also responded to comments over accessibility and opening hours of the Bus Station site, and he confirmed that colleagues were working with the current operator to ensure as much flexibility as possible.  The Chair also referred to discussions with the required parties to consider the requirements of a security package to mitigate instances of anti-social behaviour.


Andrew Rolf provided a reply to a Member’s question on the future connectivity to the proposed District Heating system, and advised that the planning requirement included provision for inclusion in the District Heating system. The Client Lead  - Build confirmed that PV panels were not part of the integral design and that a ‘fabric first’ approach had been established.  The capital costs for PV panels could not be justified, unless Members gave future consideration to utilising the energy for other public sector assets.


Ian McNeill also responded to a comment by the Chair on the interim and longer term arrangements for National Express and Megabus, stating that the intention was that the stands be moved to Bampfylde Street, with some associated facilities provided. National Express had indicated the arrangement would be satisfactory to them.


Mark Thomas confirmed that the project was on budget and that all suitable strategies were in place to mitigate any known risks, with the intention to continue forward to procure a contractor to build both the Bus Station and Leisure Complex.




(1)       the Project Team progress through Control Point 3 (commencement of Stage E Technical Design) ,as programmed on 4 July 2016 and in accordance with the Programme Boards’ governance arrangements; and


(2)       the Reserved Matters Planning Application be compiled, ready for issue, with approval to formally submit the Reserved Matters application once the Decision Notice has been issued for the Outline Planning Application.


Councillors Prowse and Mrs Henson requested that their names be recorded as having abstained from the vote.