Agenda item

Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Report on Governance, Scope and Timetable and amended Local Development Scheme

To consider the report of Assistant Director City Development.






That the following be approved:-

(1)       the subject matter of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, subject to review as the plan be progressed;

(2)        the timetable for the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan;


(3)        the timetable for the Exeter Development Delivery Plan, subject to further review as work on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan progresses;


(4)        the Local Development Scheme attached as Appendix A, to have effect from 18 January 2017;


(5)        the preparation of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan under Section 28 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, without the need for a statutory joint planning committee;


(6)        the establishment of a Member Steering Group with a representative from each of the five Councils, to which the Portfolio Holder for City Development, be appointed, with Portfolio Holder for Economy as the deputy;


(7)        the establishment of a joint Member Reference Forum to which relevant Members from each of the five authorities are invited to attend as required. The forum would meet to consider and make comments on draft plan proposals before they are formally considered by each Council;


(8)         the “Issues” document attached as Appendix B to this report for consultation;

(9)        the draft Greater Exeter Statement of Community Involvement attached as Appendix C for informal consultation;

(10)      that resolution of any inconsistencies arising from the decisions of individual Councils on GESP documents being delegated to Exeter City Council Chief Executive & Growth Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development and the Chief Executives of East Devon, Teignbridge and Mid Devon;

(11)      following agreement with the other District Councils, delegated authority to agree minor modifications (which do not go the heart of the documents’ meaning) being granted to the Assistant Director, City Development or City Development Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development; and

(12)      the noting of the staffing proposal.

Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.




The Assistant Director City Development presented the report to approve a new Local Development Scheme and to make recommendations on various aspects of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan (GESP) to be prepared jointly with East Devon District Council, Teignbridge District Council, and Mid Devon District Council, in partnership with Devon County Council.  


Members were advised that the report had been considered by the Planning Working Group, the main issues raised being:-

·         Leaders of the Councils should be actively involved through the Greater Exeter Visioning Board and any successor Greater Exeter Growth and Development Board, with Portfolio Holders for Planning to be on the Members’ Steering Group;

·         Member engagement to be cross party with regular member briefings; and

·         Consultation arrangements.

All the Councils were in the process of considering the report but as East Devon District Council and Mid Devon District Council would need Council approval and these would not be until 22 February 2017, the time table for consultation to start on 17 February would require further discussion. 


In response to Members’ questions, the Assistant Director City Development explained that there were 14 work streams, some of the work to be undertaken by consultants.


Discussion took place with regards to the need for Members’ involvement and input into the plan including the tender process for any consultancy work that was required.


The Portfolio Holder for City Development commented that it was important that Members were kept fully informed of the complex issues of the plan and that there was cross party involvement. There was a forthcoming Members’ Briefing to update Members on progress to date on the development plan.


RESOLVED that the following be approved:-

(1)       the subject matter of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan, subject to review as the plan be progressed;

(2)        the timetable for the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan;


(3)        the timetable for the Exeter Development Delivery Plan, subject to further review as work on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan progresses;


(4)        the Local Development Scheme attached as Appendix A, to have effect from 18 January 2017;


(5)        the preparation of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan under Section 28 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, without the need for a statutory joint planning committee;


(6)        the establishment of a Member Steering Group with a representative from each of the five Councils, to which the Portfolio Holder for City Development, be appointed, with Portfolio Holder for Economy as the deputy;


(7)        the establishment of a joint Member Reference Forum to which relevant Members from each of the five authorities are invited to attend as required. The forum would meet to consider and make comments on draft plan proposals before they are formally considered by each Council;


(8)        the “Issues” document attached as Appendix B to this report for consultation;

(9)        the draft Greater Exeter Statement of Community Involvement attached as Appendix C for informal consultation;

(10)      that resolution of any inconsistencies arising from the decisions of individual Councils on GESP documents being delegated to Exeter City Council Chief Executive & Growth Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development and the Chief Executives of East Devon, Teignbridge and Mid Devon;

(11)      following agreement with the other District Councils, delegated authority to agree minor modifications (which do not go the heart of the documents’ meaning) being granted to the Assistant Director, City Development or City Development Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development; and

(12)      the noting of the staffing proposal.


Supporting documents: