Agenda item

Complaints received since the last meeting


The report attached to the agenda detailed complaints made since the last meeting and the results of any investigations.


A complaints summary was circulated (attached) which detailed comparisons for each quarter back to 2002.  The reduction in complaints since 2014 had been maintained.


One additional complaint had been received since the distribution of the agenda which was detailed on the summary.


The number of complaints received by complainant and road were noted and each complainant is given a number, eg resident C1 in Glenwood Rise has made a complaint on three occasions.


Days on which there were more than one complaint had also been listed to assist in identifying any issues.


Reference was made to the complaint regarding vehicles and concerns over the potential impact of spillages from vehicles.  A spillage had occurred in 2013 but none since that time.  Odour or spillages on the highway is not covered by any Environmental Health legislation.  Trading Standards have a regulatory role in this area.


Any spillage will be odourous and a slip hazard, but is not dangerous unless ingested. Nick Parsons advised that the factory will always respond to an incident and emergency spill kits are held on site.


Drivers will be fully aware if a spillage occurs and will not leave the area until a team is on site to manage the spill.  A tracking system and CCTV is installed in all SecAnim vehicles and this shows that there is a consistently high standard of driving in the company’s own fleet.


The company work with the other haulage companies who deliver to the site to manage any impacts on the local population. For example deliveries are timed so they are not kept waiting to access the plant, and to reduce any time spent in queueing traffic.


There are concerns over access to the factory following an increase in parked cars on the highway and which can block the road. The Highways Department has been advised but no action has been taken to date.


Vehicle complaints are mainly in relation to odours rather than noise. Vehicles are disinfected within the factory as required by DEFRA legislation. 


Following a complaint made on 23 August, an investigation at the factory identified a bursting disk on the new air condenser ducting had failed. The plant was shut down until the repair was made. The maintenance system has been changed as a result of the incident.


Discussion was held on whether many complaints were made directly to the ward councillors and residents’ representatives. One representative had received only one complaint as a result of canvassing. The other representative present advised that an article had been placed in a neighbourhood magazine but few complaints had come forward as a result. The residual treatment tower odour is likely to be the odour that residents detect.


Every effort is made to investigate and respond to complaints in a timely manner.  Complainants were encouraged to telephone as any emails may not be picked up immediately.  Any calls made to the Out of Hours Control are passed on and investigated as soon as practicably possible.  Complaints made directly to the factory are also passed on to Environmental Health.

Supporting documents: