Agenda item

Development of a New Brand - Visit Exeter

To consider the report of the Tourism & Sport Manager.


The Economy and Enterprise Manager presented a report, which outlined the work undertaken to establish a new brand for Exeter - Visit Exeter, to increase the number of people who visit the city including day visits, overnight leisure break, or a business trip or group visit. The report also incorporated an update on the development of marketing activity under the newly developed brand – Visit Exeter. This would enable the City Council to proactively promote the city to increase the number of visitors to city, increase visitor spend, as well as raise the profile of the city within the UK and overseas, as a vibrant, culturally modern, visitor destination.  The existing tourism marketing budget would be used to deliver activity as set out in the report. However, it was estimated that an additional income of £82,500 could be generated to support marketing activity, through the development of annual membership and sponsorship packages for businesses.


The Economy and Enterprise Manager confirmed that some work had been commissioned to develop the Visit Exeter brand, including national research which was detailed in an appendix to the report.  Although Exeter was largely seem as a city for history and heritage, the research would help inform the basis of a regional and national marketing campaign covering eight experiences, including Culture; Heritage; Nightlife; Food and Drink; Activity; Business; Shopping and Relaxation.


In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Economy and Enterprise Manager stated that the launch of the Visit Exeter brand would take place at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum during English Tourism Week 25 March – 2 April 2017. It was also anticipated that a national launch would take place in early summer, with a targeted national marketing campaign to include engagement events in London at the recognised gateway to Exeter, such as Paddington or Waterloo mainline train stations or even the London City Airport. Then potentially there could be some international work with Exeter Airport and Flybe, but, that was dependent on the available budget.  She also responded to a Member’s comment on improving the connection to the city from European destinations such as Austria, stating that Exeter was already a popular destination from Germany and Austria with direct summer flights.  They continued to work with Exeter Airport to consider extending the flight season.  The Chair welcomed a Member’s suggestion to invite the new Chief Executive of Flybe, Christine Ourmieres to a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee to hear her thoughts for the future of the Airport.  It was noted that Councillor Edwards, as Leader, was a representative on the Exeter International Airport Consultative Committee.


Place Scrutiny Committee endorsed the adoption of the Visit Exeter brand, and associated marketing activity, as detailed in the report and requested Executive recommend to Council approval of all projected additional income via Visit Exeter membership sales (estimated to be £82,500) be ring fenced for tourism marketing spend. An invitation to a future meeting of Place Scrutiny Committee would also be extended to the new Chief Executive of Flybe.


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