Agenda item

Joint Committee for the Heart of the South West

To consider the report of the Chief Executive & Growth Director.



The Chief Executive & Growth Director presented the report on seeking agreement to the Council becoming a member of a Heart of the South West (HotsW) Joint Committee. Members were advised that the HotSW Productivity Plan would be a key strategic document for the Authorities to engage with the Government on a range of investment opportunities. The Joint Committee would be a formal collaboration to agree and deliver the Productivity Plan and the transformation agenda.


The Leader stated that he had received a letter from the Chair of the shadow Committee acknowledging the Council’s requests as detailed in the recommendation.


RECOMMENDED to Council that;-


(1)        the content of the ‘Heart of the South West Devolution Update’ report and progress on the preparation of, and consultation on, a HoTSW Productivity Plan be noted;


(2)        the recommendation of the HotSW Leaders (meeting as a shadow Joint Committee) to form a Joint Committee for the Heart of the South West be approved;


(3)        the Arrangements and Inter-Authority for the establishment of the Joint Committee with the commencement date of Monday 22January 2018 be approved;


(4)        the Leader and Deputy Leader be appointed as the Council’s named representative and substitute named representative on the Joint Committee;


(5)        Somerset County Council be appointed as the Administering Authority for the Joint Committee for a two year period commencing 22 January 2018;


(6)        the transfer of the remaining joint devolution budget to meet the support costs of the Joint Committee be approved for the remainder of 2017/18 financial year, subject to approval of any expenditure by the Administering Authority;

(7)        an initial contribution of £1,400 for 2018/19 to fund the administration and the work programme of the Joint Committee be approved, noting that any expenditure will be subject to the approval of the Administering Authority;

(8)        that the key function of the Joint Committee to approve the Productivity Strategy (it is intended to bring the Strategy to the Joint Committee for approval by February 2018) be agreed;

(9)        the initial work programme of the Joint Committee aimed at the successful delivery of the Productivity Strategy be authorised; 

(10)      the proposed meeting arrangements for the Joint Committee including the timetable of meetings for the Joint Committee as proposed in para 2.14 of the report presented to the Committee be agreed; and   

(11)      that this approval is subject to:-

a)         Membership of the Joint Committee not committing the Council to supporting, or becoming a member of a HoTSW Combined Authority, which would, in any event, be subject to future debate and agreement by the Council;

b)         the Leader of the Council, or nominated representative, participating in all meetings or negotiations attended by any members of the Joint Committee, including meetings with Government members and officials that relate to the HoTSW Joint Committee, the productivity plan, growth deals or any business of the Joint Committee.

c)         Membership of the Joint Committee not precluding the Council from pursuing all opportunities that would benefit and/or improve the economic growth of Exeter; and

d)         the Council maintaining the ability to resign from the Joint Committee in line with the assurance provided by the Chair (see paragraph  8 of the circulated report).


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