Agenda item

Application No. 17/0916/FUL - Land at Old Vicarage Road, Exeter

To consider the report of the City Development Manager.



The City Development Manager presented the application for the use of land for car wash and valeting service.


He outlined the history of the application, the applicant having previously operated a car wash on that part of the site fronting Cowick Street and which had closed following an application for a housing development. He referred to use of the proposed site by the St. Thomas Social Club and a Funeral Parlour for car parking and to the proposed operating hours of the car wash over the entire week. Responding to Members, he advised that only part of the former car wash site fronting Cowick Street had been within the St. Thomas Conservation Area and also stated that a drainage strategy would need to be agreed for the proposal. 


Councillor Hannaford, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on the item. He raised the following points:-


  • the proposal will adversely affect Cowick Street, Old Vicarage Road, Old Vicarage Gardens and Powderham Road;
  • the proposal has been considered at Delegation Briefing and referred to the Committee because of concerns of local residents regarding noise and pollution – it is a fast, noisy and frenetic business with teams involved in cleaning and valeting with a quick completion of jobs;
  • residents are also concerned about traffic and parking. The traffic dynamic along Cowick Street in respect of the previous car wash was different in that the traffic was slow moving whereas, on the proposed new site, traffic from the residential area can be quicker and customers of the car wash may be unfamiliar with the road layout. The car parking spaces used by the Social Club and the Funeral Parlour will also be compromised;
  • the siting of a portacabin next to residential properties is a concern because of noise of the operation from the portacabin, people smoking etc.;
  • with a seven day operation proposed, neighbours with low garden walls will have their quiet weekends disturbed by the work and inhibit the enjoyment of their gardens;
  • not only will existing residents be affected but also those moving into the new residences to be provided on the old car wash site;
  • surprised at the recommendation for a two year trial period and opposed to residents being used as guinea pigs;
  • the space on this site is already cramped with the Social Club and Funeral Parlour in situ;
  • mindful that there will be an economic effect if the business does not proceed with associated lack of employment opportunities. Ask therefore for the Council’s economic team to assist in searching for an alternative site for the car wash; and
  • if permission is to be granted request no working on Sundays.


Mr Smith spoke against the application. He raised the following points:-


  • the proposal will cause disturbance as it is five metres from doors and windows to residential properties in a densely populated area and will be detrimental to the people living in this area;
  • it will impact on air quality and pollution control. Human health is adversely affected by exposure to air pollutants in ambient air. In response, the European Union has developed an extensive body of legislation and the UK government is also taking steps to reduce air pollution;
  • the City Council has measured air quality in the local area and found, for example, that concentrations of NO2 on Cowick St are currently only just below the legal limit of 40 µg/m3, when taken as an average over 12 months. The proposed business will have a constant queue of vehicles with their engines running, 12 hours a day, seven days per week, within one metre of back gardens and within five metres of windows and doors. It is reasonable to summise that, during busy times, the heavy traffic in the area raises the level of pollution to above safe levels. Since the previous location of this business has closed, air quality in Cowick Street has improved;
  • the previous site of the business, on Cowick Street, was granted temporary planning permission. The noise generated by the site was significant. The industrial vacuum cleaners run for 12 hours a day, seven days and week and generate 70db of noise;
  • there is a problem of chemical usage - the business uses industrial solvents and cleaning products which are applied in a fine spray that travels easily in the slightest breeze and is harmful to human health. The pressure washers also generate constant noise;
  • access to the site is via a small residential road. The previous site was via Cowick Street. The site is currently a car park for St Thomas Social Club. At weekends the car park is particularly busy. These customers will be forced to use neighbouring roads to park. There is already insufficient parking for residents in the area. The increased traffic along Old Vicarage Road will also be detrimental to the quality of life for residents; and
  • the site is raised and will therefore cause a loss of privacy to all the houses on Powderham Road as the business staff and customers would have a clear view into rear bedrooms.


He responded to Members’ queries:-


  • lived in area for two years, the previous car wash having been closed for about a year, the problems of noise and pollution having reduced in this time;
  • site is not acceptable at all for a business of this nature; and
  • aware of poor air quality, both along Cowick Street and the Alphington Corridor.


Mrs Laska spoke in support of the application. She raised the following points:-


  • the car wash on Cowick Street was started in 2006 and this application is for a different and enhanced operation with additional investment to reduce problems of noise and pollution including improved use of chemical pollutants and to ensure no contamination. Problems relating to drainage will be addressed;
  • information on how noise and pollution are to be reduced were provided; and
  • the intention is to run an efficient business offering a service to the community.


She responded to Members’ queries:-


  • will use commercial instead of domestic hoovers to reduce noise;
  • previous site was open plan whereas the new operation will be under cover so there will be no water or chemical spray into neighbouring gardens;
  • operation closed in April 2017 and will build up business again with six or seven employees initially; and
  • weekend working is valuable when there is greater trade as people have greater freedom on weekends to bring their vehicle in. A seven day a week operation is beneficial to the public.


Members noted that the report did not refer to a covered area as part of the operation nor the introduction of newer, less noisy equipment and, given the absence of any reference to any mitigating measures the proposal was unclear. They did not feel that a trial period of two years was appropriate as the concerns relating to noise and pollution etc. were likely to disturb the peace and enjoyment of neighbours’ amenities from inception. It was also noted that both existing residents and those of the new properties to be built on the previous car wash site would be affected.  


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


RESOLVED that planning permission for the use of land for car wash and valeting service be REFUSED for the following reasons:-


(1)        the adverse impact on residential amenity of neighbouring properties from the noise and pollution caused by the car wash and the perceived reduction in air quality being possibly deleterious to the health of residents; and


(2)        the unsuitability of such premises in close proximity to residential properties.



Supporting documents: