Agenda item

Community Grants and Community Builders Update

To consider the report of the Programme Manager – Communities.


People Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 12 March 2018 and its comments will be reported.






That it is recommended that Council;-


(1)        approves the recommendation to review the grant allocation policy and process in 2018 to consider modernisation and consolidation of the grant programmes and revised criteria linked to council priorities be approved;


(2)        approves the recommendation that the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and New Homes Bonus funding agreed for community building in the city should be front-loaded in light of the Wellbeing Exeter and Sports England Local Delivery Pilot programmes for an initial 3 year period 2018 / 2020;


(3)        notes the progress of the Grass Roots Grants / Neighbourhood CIL spend over the first year of this funding being available and recognises the contribution of the Exeter Community Forum Grass Roots Panel in supporting this process; and


(4)        notes the second stage of the Exeter Youth Strategy work in terms of the launch of the Exeter Youth Voice project.


(5)       reviews the role of the Exeter Community Forum Grants Panel and to consider whether there was a need for greater accountability and scrutinisation of its processes and to examine if a change of approach through increasing the involvement of Members was desirable.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The Director (JY) presented the report providing an update on the following:-


·         Community grants

·         Community builders

·         Grass Roots Grants/Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy

·         Exeter: A young people friendly city – Exeter Youth Voice


The Director advised that the City Council had an extensive Community Grants Programme with around £1.5 million awarded annually to community organisations through a range of grant processes. It was the intention in 2018 to review the city council policy, system and process in order to consolidate the programmes and revise the criteria to link to council priorities. A further report on processes and recommendations would be submitted at a later date.


The Council had agreed to the funding for Community Builders across the city to support the Community builder roles funded through the Integrated Care Exeter (ICE) Wellbeing Exeter programme. Because of the expansion of Wellbeing Exeter and the Sport England Local Delivery Pilot status, it was proposed to expand community building so that all wards would have access to a community connector and community builder. It was proposed that funding be front-loaded in light of the Wellbeing Exeter and Sport England programmes for a three year period in the first instance: 2018/2020.


The Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Communities and Sport commented that it was important that a review of all the grants was undertaken to ensure that there was greater synergy and extended community involvement. In response to a Member, he acknowledged that the majority of funding for the Exeter Board Grants came from Devon County Council, consultation on the review would be undertaken and any proposed change brought back to People Scrutiny and Executive.


The Deputy Leader recognised the work that the City Council was undertaking across the city on developing a Youth Strategy. She advised of the additional recommendation proposed by People Scrutiny Committee with regards to the role of the Exeter Community Forum Grants Panel. This additional recommendation was agreed by Executive.


People Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 12 March 2018 and its comments were reported and its additional recommendation was supported by Executive.


RECOMMENDED that Council;-


(1)        approves the recommendation to review the grant allocation policy and process in 2018 to consider modernisation and consolidation of the grant programmes and revised criteria linked to council priorities be approved;


(2)        approves the recommendation that the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and New Homes Bonus funding agreed for community building in the city should be front-loaded in light of the Wellbeing Exeter and Sports England Local Delivery Pilot programmes for an initial 3 year period 2018 / 2020;


(3)        notes the progress of the Grass Roots Grants / Neighbourhood CIL spend over the first year of this funding being available and recognises the contribution of the Exeter Community Forum Grass Roots Panel in supporting this process; and


(4)        notes the second stage of the Exeter Youth Strategy work in terms of the launch of the Exeter Youth Voice project; and      


(5)        reviews the role of the Exeter Community Forum Grants Panel and to consider whether there was a need for greater accountability and scrutinisation of its processes and to examine if a change of approach through increasing the involvement of Members was desirable.

Supporting documents: