Agenda item

Planning Application No. 17/1914/FUL - Elizabeth House, Emperor Way, Exeter


The Principal Project Manager (Development) (MD) presented the application for the change of use of premises from office (Use Class B1) to NHS Depression and Anxiety Service (DAS) (Use Class D1).


The Chair read out the comments of Mr Ridgers, an objector who had to leave the meeting before this item was considered.


·         note that seven parking spaces have been allocated for patients to service seven treatment surgeries. At any one time there would be two patients for every one parking spot. A patient who is in treatment and another one arriving for their appointment looking to park. This would result in an additional seven drivers looking to park. Finding a parking space on this Office Park is highly stressful, as there is no free parking spaces within a ½ -1 mile radius.   This would place un-necessary stress on individuals with mental health and anxiety issues;

·         adjacent to the site is the Clare Milne Centre for children with learning difficulties who use the roadways for exercising, as the children and their carers go on their regular daily walks around the centre. There are no footpaths and the children walk in the middle of the roads. Due to the severe nature of the mental and physical disabilities of the children drivers have to regularly stop to a halt for the children to be moved to the side of the road.  Regular users can be prepared but there is a likely accident potential with drivers who are un-aware of the children and their issues; and

·         the original plan for the site was an office park – the infrastructure was not designed for continual daily traffic looking to access and park for short periods. Urge Members to conduct a site tour and assess the issues.


Mr Wilkins spoke in support of the application. He raised the following points:-


·         the Depression and Anxiety Service in Devon was established in 2009. Thousands of clinicians were trained as part of a national programme. In Devon, it is delivered within the local communities and it contributes to the overall wellbeing of the population;

·         offers a completely free NHS service, staffed by highly trained and accredited clinicians. It will be one of the few self-referral mental health services around that will be easy to access, negating the need for people to see a GP;

·         have received over 130,000 referrals since inception in 2009 and currently receive well over 20,000 referrals a year. It is believed that only between 15% and 19% of the population struggling with these conditions are being helped and over 80% of people do not get help;

·         the NHS has a five year plan to significantly increase the number of people able to access such services, with Devon aiming to treat a further 10,000 people a year by 2021;

·         a move to Elizabeth House for the East and Mid Devon team is a critical to enable expansion. A clinical base at Elizabeth House will be highly accessible for people in East Exeter and East and Mid Devon. It will treat not only the resident population, but people who commute in and out of Exeter for work as well as students;

·         Tiverton does not adequately serve patients’ needs and Exeter, as a growing city and regional capital, needs this service;

·         if unable to relocate to suitable premises in the East of Exeter, it will be very difficult to offer treatment to more people, and will likely result in longer waiting times, more people going without help and poorer community wellbeing; and

·         a move to Elizabeth House will enable expansion of the free NHS therapy service, reduce distress and improve community wellbeing.


He responded as follows to Members’ queries:-


·         there will be no weekend working, weekday hours of operation to be 8:00am to 8:00pm for appointments to be offered before and after the 9:00am to 5:00pm hours of working;

·         information to patients will include reference to the adjacent Clare Milne Centre and use of the roads by the children using the centre;

·         the unit offers both improved accessibility and an improved operational centre. The Service employs 200 staff and clinicians who serve the whole of Devon visiting hospitals and some 100 GP surgeries which is more central and easier to access than the Tiverton base. A presence in the City will also make it more accessible to patients than a rural base as many live and work in Exeter. The goal is to treat 10,000 individuals by 2021;

·         will encourage and promote sustainable transport. Many staff currently travel by car to Tiverton and, as many live in Exeter will, in future, have the option to use public transport or cycle to work. The Centre’s Magdalen Road base has limited parking and staff there are used to a parking rota; and

·         with seven staff parking spaces and seven patient spaces, staggered appointment times will ensure that overflowing will not occur.


Members supported the proposal that planning permission be granted, subject to the completion of a Green Travel Plan for monitoring by the City Council.


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


RESOLVED that, subject to the completion of a Green Travel Plan for consideration and approval at a City Council Delegation Briefing, planning permission for the change of use of premises from office (Use Class B1) to NHS Depression and Anxiety Service (DAS) (Use Class D1) be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:-


(1)        Standard Time Limit – Full Planning Permission


The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.

Reason: To comply with Section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


(2)        Approved Plans


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans listed below, unless modified by the other conditions of this consent:


·         Site Location Plan (Dwg No: 17062.01.01)

·         Proposed Floor Plans (Dwg No: 17079.P02.11 Rev A)


Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the approved plans and for the avoidance of doubt.


(3)        Travel Plan


No part of the development shall be occupied until a travel plan (including recommendations and arrangements for monitoring and review) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the recommendations of the travel plan shall be implemented, monitored and reviewed in accordance with the approved document, or any amended document subsequently approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To encourage travel by sustainable means in accordance with Policy T3 of the Exeter Local Plan First Review and the Sustainable Transport SPD.


(4)        Staff Cycle Parking


Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted, cycle parking for staff and access thereto shall be provided on the site in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The cycle parking and access thereto shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To provide suitable cycle parking for staff in accordance with the Sustainable Transport SPD (Table 2 and Paragraph 5.3.1).


(5)        Visitor Cycle Parking


Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted, cycle parking for visitors and access thereto shall be provided on the site in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The cycle parking and access thereto shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To provide suitable cycle parking for visitors in accordance with the Sustainable Transport SPD (Table 2 and Paragraph 5.4.1).


(6)        Disabled Parking Space


Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted, one disabled parking space shall be provided in the car park in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The disabled parking space shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To provide suitable car parking for disabled users in accordance with the minimum standards set out in Table 4 of the Sustainable Transport SPD.


(7)        Restrict Use Classes Order


The premises shall be used for mental health consultation rooms and offices (to provide an NHS Depression and Anxiety Service) only and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class D1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended), or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification).

Reason: To control the use in the interests of the amenity of the area and development plan policies.


(8)        Restrict GPDO


Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any Order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), no development of the types described in the following Classes of Schedule 2 shall be undertaken without the express consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority other than those expressly authorised by this permission:

Part 4, Class D – shops, financial, cafes, takeaways etc to temporary flexible use

Reason: To control the use in the interests of the amenity of the area and development plan policies.




Supporting documents: