Agenda item

Planning Application No. 18/1088/FUL - Mallison Bridge, Exeter Quay

To consider the report of the City Development Manager.



The Principal Project Manager (Strategic Policy) (PJ) presented the application for the replacement of Mallison Bridge with elevated boardwalk over riverside walkway to link to existing foot/cycleways at Cricklepit Bridge. He advised of four objections, two of which from the Exeter Civic Society and Historic England had been withdrawn following the submission of amended plans. The revised plans increased the bridge width from 2 metres to 3.5 metres and provided a much enhanced facility for this historic Conservation Area.


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


RESOLVED that planning permission for the replacement of Mallison Bridge with elevated boardwalk over riverside walkway to link to existing foot/cycleways at Cricklepit Bridge be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:-


(1)        The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than theexpiration of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.

Reason: To ensure compliance with sections 91-92 of the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990.


(2)        The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 12 July 2018 (including drawing number MBB – LD/3.1, the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report and the Flood Risk Assessment), on 7 November 2018 (including drawing number MBB-LL/05.1) and on 14 November 2018 (including drawing numbers MBB-LL/1.0, LD/01,  LD/05, LD/06, LD/07, LD/08, and LD/09) as modified by other conditions of this consent.

Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.


(3)        Samples of the materials it is intended to use externally in the construction of the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. No external finishing material shall be used until the Local Planning Authority has confirmed in writing that its use is acceptable. Thereafter the materials used in the construction of the development shall correspond with the approved samples in all respects.

Reason: To ensure that the materials conform with the visual amenity requirements of the area.


(4)        No works shall take place until the local planning authority have received and approved a Construction Management Plan (CMP) including:


(a) the timetable of the works;

(b) any road closure;

(c) hours during which delivery and construction traffic will travel to and from the site

(d) the number and sizes of vehicles visiting the site;

(e) the compound/location where all building materials, finished or unfinished products, parts, crates, packing materials and waste will be stored;

(f) confirmation that no construction traffic or delivery vehicles will park on the County highway for loading or unloading purposes, unless prior written agreement has been given by the Local Planning Authority;

(g) The proposed route of all construction traffic exceeding 7.5 tonnes.

(h) Photographic evidence of the condition of adjacent public highway prior to commencement of any work;

Prior to commencement it is recommended that the developer consults, and if necessary meets with, the Highway Authority to establish a safe means of progress. The approved Construction Management Plan shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and public amenity       


(5)        No development shall take place until a detailed Construction Methods Statement is submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority.  This includes the construction methods within the river corridor.  Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Methods Statement and any subsequent amendments shall be agreed in writing with the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure flood risk is not increased for others.



Supporting documents: