Agenda item

Exeter Live Better Move More Built Facilities, Playing Fields, Pitches, Play Areas, Parks and Open Spaces Strategy

To consider the report of the Director Communities Health Wellbeing Sport and Leisure.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Physical Activity and Portfolio Holder Environment & City Management presented the report, which described the public consultation on the draft report, proposed changes to the original proposals following feedback and recommended the adoption of the revised Strategy, as well as setting out the next steps for delivery of the strategies proposed within the report.


The Portfolio Holder Leisure & Physical Activity referred to the Built Sports and Leisure Facilities Priority Actions in relation to the following:-


·      St Sidwells Point Leisure facilities as a replacement for the Pyramids.

·      the commitment for the upgrade and reopening of the swimming pool and spa at the Riverside Leisure Centre in 2020.

·      closure of the pitch and putt provision at Northbrook Approach golf course.

·      prioritisation of plans for a new and improved swimming pool to replace the Northbrook Pool.

·      an outline business case for an enhanced facility mix at the Exeter Arena site to create a community sports village to benefit the whole city.

·      a strategic cycling hub in partnership British Cycling, national stakeholders and local clubs

·      working with local residents, community groups, Sport England and other stakeholders to co-design a blue print and outline business case for a flagship Community Health and Wellbeing Centre to replace the Wonford Sports and Community Centres.

·      continuing to work with the Exeter ski club to identify potential alternative sites for their relocation from the Clifton Hill site.

·      continuing to provide engagement opportunities for residents, communities and stakeholders to input into future built facility development plans.


The Portfolio Holder Environment & City Management stated that the Strategy had identified the need for certain kinds of pitches and particularly facilities that could be used year round. He referred to the five Priority Actions set out in the Strategy in relation to the following:-


·    working with the local community.

·    undertaking an audit of the city’s green space.

·    mapping and developing the linkage to parks and green space with the cycle and footpaths.

·    improve the walking and cycling infrastructure.

·    providing support for grass roots community groups wishing  to take on more responsibility to manage and maintain parks and green spaces.


The Portfolio Holder Environment & City Management confirmed that the concept of destination play parks would be reconsidered along with the need for greater inclusivity and the reality of ongoing maintenance.  A Task Group would be set up to design a strategic framework and high level priorities for the future development of play areas across the city


The Portfolio Holder Leisure & Physical Activity responded to Members’ questions as follows: - 


·  the usage at Northbrook Approach Golf Course had halved since 2010, with only less than 1% of residents using the facilities during the three month open season. There were no plans for the City Council to continue to offer golf as there was existing provision in the city.

·  94% of respondents to the survey had agreed with the strategic approach of a number of sustainable centres in strategic locations in the city with suitable public transport links as well as the desire to improve cycling links.


·  the Riverside Leisure Centre would reopen in 2020. The fire damage to the roof had resulted in the discovery of a number of structural issues and every effort was being made to the commitment to reopen with a greatly enhanced facility to bolster the swimming offer in the city.


·  St Sidwells Point Leisure Centre would open in the spring of 2021.


The Leader responded to a Member’s comment on ownership of the Northbrook Approach Golf course and stated there had been a number of requests to use the site, but the Council would consult on any future use of the site with local residents.


The Director Communities, Health Wellbeing Sport and Leisure offered the following responses to Members’ comments:-


· the consultation process had used a range of methodologies with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. This enabled officers to validate and triangulate data from different sources to identify cross cutting themes. It was noted that there was a significant cost to any consultation.


·    the new leisure operator contract would allow for new or existing facilities to be added or removed from the contract.


·    the emerging Playing Pitch Strategy presented an exciting opportunity to work with the Football Association and National Football Foundation and open up a national investment stream into local facilities.  The Active & Healthy People Programme Lead confirmed that a meeting with the Football Association is taking place on 17 July.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder Leisure & Physical Activity responded to a Member’s enquiry and confirmed that there were no plans to build housing on the site to be vacated by the Northbrook Approach Golf Course.  The Council were committed to the preservation of the city’s green open spaces including the valley parks, play parks and community parks. The Portfolio Holder Leisure & Physical Activity referred to the land around Clifton Hill which is not designated as a playing pitch/sports facility in planning policy terms, which is why in principle they could be freed up for development, but he appreciated that did not mean that people in the locality wished to lose those facilities. It was the intention to replace the sports centre facilities elsewhere in the city. He also advised that there was no intention to close the swimming facility at Northbrook Pool, but every intention to build a new pool as soon as they were able to, and no intention to have any gap in provision.


Councillor Buswell proposed the following, seconded by Councillor Atkinson and requested that a full consultation exercise be held with local residents and stakeholders take place on the future use of Northbrook Approach site. The recommendation was put to the vote and carried.


Place Scrutiny Committee supported the following:-


(1)     revisedExeter Live Better and Move More Built Facilities, Playing Fields, Pitches, Play Areas, Parks and Open Spaces Strategy in the light of the feedback from the comprehensive public consultation process and the subsequent changes made to the original proposals;             


(2)     requested Executive to support and recommended that Council adopt the revised Exeter Live Better and Move More Built Facilities, Playing Fields, Pitches, Play Areas, Parks and Green Spaces Strategy; and 


(3)     a full consultation exercise be held with local residents and stakeholders on the future use of the Northbrook Approach site.



Supporting documents: