Agenda item

Planning Application No. 19/0921/FUL - Land at Monmouth Street, Topsham

To consider the report of the Service Lead City Development.



The Project Officer (KF) presented the application for the use of agricultural land for keeping of horses and construction of two stables. He confirmed that the stables would be within one stable block


Margaret Seaton spoke against the application. She raised the following points:-


·         speaking on behalf of some 55 people objecting to the proposed development as concerned that this is the first stage to housing, as happened with the recent boathouse to house in Topsham

·         objecting also to disturbance to a wildlife haven and destroying an undeveloped natural landscape;

·         will lead to an increase in vermin, flies and smell in a location adjacent to housing;

·         the land was historically used as a market garden and not for livestock;

·         the land contains a registered priority habitat, is within the lapwing and redshank consultation zones and is in close proximity to the Exe Estuary Ramsar Site Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Protection Area. It is also a wetland site of  international importance;

·         there is a risk that any stables erected are subsequently converted into dwelling houses via a change of use or used to facilitate the grant of permission for dwelling houses in the future;

·         there would be a number of overriding objections to the grant of planning permission for the construction of dwelling houses on the application site following from the landscape setting policy and Local Plan for Exeter;

·         object to the application for permission to construct stables; and

·         if granted, it should be subject to a condition that the application site is not further developed into or used for the construction of dwelling houses.


In response to queries, Members were advised that the highway authority was satisfied with the access and that it was not appropriate to seek to limit the number of horses or condition the arrangements in respect of water supply. Given the main concern of objectors that the proposal could be a precursor for future housing, Members acknowledged that any such proposal was subject to the consideration of applications by this Committee and that this site in any case was not considered appropriate for housing.


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


The recommendation was moved and seconded.


RESOLVED that the use of agricultural land for keeping of horses and construction of two stables be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1)         The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted.

Reason:  To ensure compliance with sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2)         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority on 08 July 2019 (including dwgs. LOCATION PLAN 19-013 1-0001 REVISION C and PROPOSED 19-013 0-0001 REVISION A) and 10 September 2019 as modified by other conditions of this consent.
Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

3)         The development hereby approved shall be carried out and managed strictly in accordance with the approved measures and provisions of the Ecological Report
Reason: In the interests of protecting and improving existing, and creating new wildlife habitats in the area in compliance with Policy LS4.


Supporting documents: