Agenda item

Planning Application No. 19/1676- FUL - St. Andrews Yard, Willeys Avenue, Exeter

To consider the report of the Service Lead City Development.



Councillor Bialyk was not present in the meeting for the consideration of this item.


The Principal Project Manager (Development) (PJ) presented the application for the demolition of existing single storey business premises and construction of a new nine dwelling residential apartment block


The Principal Project Manager (Development) stated that the revised scheme was essentially similar to that previously submitted. It largely addressed only one of the two previous reasons for refusal agreed at the July meeting of this Committee, that is, the scheme’s poor design in relation to the character of the area. The other reason for refusal, namely the scale, massing and height of the building remained unchanged. The Principal Project Manager (Development) considered that the intention to now pursue a more traditional elevational approach was more appropriate. Consequently, it was considered that the applicant had addressed the second reason for refusal relating to design. The Principal Project Manager (Development) stated that a planning judgement was necessary to decide whether the changes made to the design of the building outweighed the unchanged height, scale and massing of the proposed building. The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


The Principal Project Manager (Development) referred to an email objecting to the development received from Councillor D. Moore including the following points:-.


·         revised development only addresses one of the reasons for refusal. The height and mass of the development remains out of keeping on both the plot and in its location in Willey’s Avenue. The whole three story block adjacent to the terrace row is oppressive in its design and mass;

·         the design and access statement shows the building in relation to other properties, cited as apartments opposite, but these are at the end of Willey's Avenue, not adjacent to the property; and

·         as parking is on site and in a sustainable location, if permission is granted a condition should be added that no on street parking provision be allowed in order to reduce the potential for conflict for car parking on street spaces.


Ms Kidney spoke against the application. She raised the following points:-


  • the community does not object to the development of the site but to the current plans. The revised scheme does not address the majority of the previous concerns, particularly size, scale and massing. It is an oppressive, domineering development;
  • the design has been altered but not the bulk of this building and it feels like the developer is trying to shoehorn as many people as possible;
  • the building still does not fit into the existing street scene. The mass and scale remain excessive, overbearing and visually intrusive. It does not relate well to the adjacent terraced properties and has a poor relationship with the existing neighbourhood;
  • this development has a mansard roof which is out of character as most buildings in the local area have a pitched roof;
  • the scale and massing of this design will have a huge impact on existing neighbours on three streets and have a detrimental effect on the amenities currently enjoyed and there will be a significant impact upon the sunlight in homes and gardens; and
  • although the developer stated that he wished to consult with neighbours and was committed to the local community he had not made any subsequent contact, nor taken up a request from Councillor D. Moore for a community meeting.


Mr Graham Chilvers spoke in support of the application. He raised the following points:-


  • there were three/four storey residential buildings in St Thomas as well as Willeys Avenue itself and, as such, the development was not out of character with the area;
  • a development in New North Road had been approved even though it was a modern building set within a Grade II Listed Georgian Terrace and did not therefore relate to the context of the neighbourhood;
  • no off street parking proposed as part of the development;
  • four separate sets of drawings had been prepared responding to issues raised; and
  • have responded in great detail to the issues raised by the Councillor.


A number of Members noted that there had been no change to the scale and massing, that the proposal remained oppressive and it was also suggested that an improved quality in design was required to better reflect the setting of the neighbourhood. One Member requested the future proofing of arrangements for bin storage.


The recommendation was moved and seconded.


RESOLVED that the application for the demolition of existing single storey business premises and construction of a new nine dwelling residential apartment block be REFUSED as the proposal would be contrary to Paragraph 127 (a, b, c, and d) and Paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), objective 9 and Policy CP17 of the Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2012), Policies DG1 (b, g, and h) of the Exeter Local Plan First Review (2005) and the Residential Design Guide SPD (2010) because:-


1)         by virtue of its scale and massing this apartment block would be dominant and visually intrusive within the streetscene, unsympathetic with and detrimental to the character of this established residential area; and


2)         the proposed development represents poor design that would fail to take the opportunities to improve the character or quality of the area, would not contribute positively to the visual richness and amenity of the townscape and would not raise the quality of urban living through excellence in design.


Supporting documents: