Portfolio Holder briefing notes
Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Physical Activity – Councillor Pearson
Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Procurement – Councillor Wood
Details of questions from Members relating to the two Portfolios above on Covid-19 issues only should be notified to the Corporate Manager Democratic and Civic Support by 10.00am the Monday before the meeting – 29 June 2020.
The Chair invited the two Portfolio Holders to present their respective briefing notes which provided an update of their area of work during the current period of the CV-19 pandemic. A schedule of questions from Members submitted in advance of the meeting, together with the responses provided at the meeting were set out on the appendix to these minutes. The supplementary questions and responses provided at the meeting are set out below for each Portfolio.
The Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Physical Activity, Councillor Pearson presented his update. He referred to the significant impact that CV-19 had on the City Council’s Leisure Services, their current closure, potential reopening and longer term future. The nature of risk had changed significantly and the re-emergence of the leisure facilities presented a number of challenges for the service, which had resulted in a proposal to bring the Leisure Services back in-house with reports to the Executive and Council. The update provided a brief update on Exeter and Cranbrook’s Sport England's Local Delivery Pilot (SELDP), the ongoing build of St Sidwell’s Point where work had continued safely observing social distancing measures, progress of the Playing Pitch Strategy, the Riverside Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre refurbishment, and the development plans at Exeter Arena and Wonford, the latter being part of SELDP but nevertheless the creation of much enhanced facilities for those local communities.
Responses to supplementary questions arising from the original questions from the Committee Members indicated.
1) Councillor J Moore – is it the intention that the in-house management will be via a Council owned private company or will it be fully incorporated in the services of Exeter City Council that we already have.
· that is to be determined and the best model needs to be worked out to achieve the best value for Exeter as well as making sure the service is run well and employees in the service are looked after. Initially given the timeframe, it will be necessary to transfer those staff directly into the Council.
2) Councillor J Moore - our inner city green spaces have become so important over the lockdown and we need large amounts of accessible spaces to allow people to socially distance. The Clifton Hill Golf Range occupied a huge area of publicly owned inner city space which could be potentially used more widely, and if the space could be used in some other way for the public and enhanced with bio diversity. Is it possible to have a review of the Golf Driving Range at Clifton Hill?
· there is no review of the Strategy planned, but the Member will have seen or know the decision made on those spaces and the reference to the former Northbrook golf course and the decision to protect future use as a green space and consultation with the local residents. With regard to Clifton Hill, it is about listening to what the community wants on both spaces. With regard to the position at the Clifton Hill site, the Golf Driving Range has an ongoing lease and the green space already outlined is being kept. The Golf Driving Range still has a lease and there is no challenge to that at any time in the near future.
(3) Councillor D Moore - thanks to Councillor Pearson for circulating the Delivery Pilot documents but could he advise the details of the new governance system, its membership and accountability in the Council and explain the basis for the Livable Exeter Place Board to provide strategic oversight of the Sport England Local Delivery Pilot.
· the basis in the documents offer the most transparent oversight of this programme, with the best and most informed people around the table. If the Member required any more detail on the approach including the detail of the governance arrangements he would provide that information.
4) Councillor D Moore - the mutual aid groups across Exeter are producing a report of their experiences of the amazing community led response and if the Council would be willing to receive and consider this report and incorporate any key lessons into its future emergency plans
· we welcome the opportunity to learn lessons where we can.
Chair said he would be happy to see that work.
Responses to supplementary questions arising from the original questions from the other Committee Members indicated.
Councillor K Mitchell – taking into account the response offered and looking at the services that are currently offered in the leisure services is there any review to minimise any financial risk that may occur
· as of September the leisure service will be run in-house and there would be changes in the medium term in relation to what we do in leisure and how we provide it. In the context of coronavirus it was important to still provide the best and most cost effective leisure service for the people of Exeter. This will be taken into account in a future business case in how we run the service.
2) Councillor K Mitchell – if the in-sourcing of our leisure facilities will give us lots of opportunity for joined up thinking in the future and allow different services and teams with the council to work together to ensure that all facilities work to the optimum level.
· Councillor Pearson said he looked forward to the opportunity to make the Leisure Services the best that Exeter has ever had but it will be challenging because of the times we are in and there will be some difficult decisions ahead in relation to some of the things that we normally do in the next months.
Councillor Pearson also responded to points of clarification from other Committee Members.
· there have been no complaints brought to his attention resulting from the building works of St Sidwell’s Point.
· there were no plans with regard to the Clifton Hill Golf Driving Range when the lease expires at this time and they remained mindful as a Council that we remain fair to all parties and balance all interests of what people want taking into account representations from all bodies of the future of anything in the city.
· the Exeter and Cranbrook Sports England Local Delivery Pilot was a joint bid to improve the longer term health of both communities. Funding was for the delivery of the pilot to increase activity levels within the local population.
· the City Council was doing all it could in the support of Kier as the build contactor and delivering St Sidwell’s Point Project.
· the completion of the work at the Riverside Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre was still on target for being completed in June 2021.
The Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Procurement - Councillor Wood - in presenting his update referred to the key work of the areas of work from the Finance Directorate services which provided sound fiscal direction for the Council and contributed to the city’s economy through work such as the prompt payment of the Council’s suppliers. He commented on the additional expenditure incurred by the Council during CV-19 and the significant loss in income, which cannot be recovered. He welcomed the prudent and good financial management by the Portfolios Holders and Directors to tackle a mid- year emergency budget which will be discussed at next week’s Executive meeting. He additionally thanked the Directors working with other staff throughout the Council to identify further savings, as well as accelerating the agile and flexible working project combined, who had moved to a significantly changed working environment. He praised the teams across the Council who had responded so well.
He commented on the Council having held the first virtual Council meeting in the country and again the timely way in which Members and staff had adapted to ensure the democratic processes and the running of the Council were able to continue. He also thanked legal services for continuing and being at the forefront of ever changing legislation and being ready to continue to operate and offer guidance across all of the Council’s sectors.
Responses to supplementary questions arising from the original questions from the Committee Members indicated.
1) Councillor K Owen - what are the arrangements for the annual canvass of those individuals who have not returned their electoral registration forms and what will be the procedures should the pandemic continue?
(to ensure political neutrality - the Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support offered the response)
· existing procedures for the publication of the Register will continue including the annual canvass. The knocking on doors of those who have not returned the paperwork was the last resort and the public were reminded three times by letter of the need to register to vote as the canvass itself is a legal obligation. The advice is to carry on as normal, although further information is being sought from the Electoral Commission and the Cabinet Office to ensure staff safety.
2) Councillor D. Moore –she was aware of the phenomenal job that the staff have done and continue to do as we move into a different phase of the pandemic and she asked what can the Council do to support staff’s wellbeing and manage the very limited capacity to enable them to rest appropriately.
· the Council had already introduced an Agile and Flexible system to the work place prior to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. With support from Human Resources, staff were consulted on different working patterns to help suit individual circumstances. Flexible working includes working at different hours if suitable and the opportunity to work from home has been significantly rolled out with one advantage being the removal, in most cases, of the need to commute. The Agile and Flexible approach has therefore increased significantly during the crisis; and
· the Senior Management Board considers staff welfare a priority. It is important for staff to take the leave due to them to recharge batteries. Staff can also avail themselves of the counselling service offered and T-Cup, the digital tool for staff to measure and monitor their wellbeing, which had recently introduced.
3) Councillor D Moore – No supplementary question was put.
4) Councillor D Moore – asked when this would be coming available as some businesses such as language schools and smaller hospitality operators were unable to obtain support from the first round of discretionary grants as they did not meet the eligibility criteria and how will the needs of such businesses will be reflected in the Recovery Plan?
· the Recovery Plan was not yet finalised and is being progressed through a number of sub-groups, with the Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Procurement representing the Council on the City Centre sub group which covers retail outlets. The issues relating to the type of businesses referred to were being addressed and although he was not aware of the resolution yet and the fund had been available in a prescribed way, we are doing whatever we can to assist. He had heard of the particular businesses Councillor Moore referred to and those issues are under consideration
· the second round of discretionary business rates was open although the criteria are not as strict. Businesses may therefore apply for support. The system includes robust procedures to prevent fraud. (NB This information was updated after the meeting with detail of the second round still to be advised)
5) Councillor D Moore – referencing the Motion at the December Council meeting and whether the procurement approach would exclude the procurement of single use plastic unless it was required for health and safety reasons, including the production of personal protection equipment?
· there was nothing currently in the strategy which precludes that. However, Councillor Wood said that he, Councillor Moore, and the Procurement Lead had been due to meet to discuss the issues prior to the CV-19 restrictions. This was a good addition potentially, and it was something that they can consider building into contracts, but as the Council procures so many different services and items it may not be possible to apply uniformly cross all procurement undertaken by the Council.
Responses to supplementary questions arising from the original questions from the other Committee Members indicated.
1) Councillor M Mitchell - what if any financial implications were there for the Council in holding three separate elections on the same day and the implications for next year’s budget given that there were no elections this year?
(to ensure political neutrality n this matter - the Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support offered the response)
· the City Council’s Elections were not originally scheduled for next year as the Devon County Council Elections had been due to take place. As three elections are now to be held in 2021, the majority of costs are likely to be shared between the City Council, the County Council and, in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, by the Cabinet Office. The same will apply if all postal vote elections are mandated;
· regular contact is made with the Electoral Commission and the Association of Electoral Administrators to ensure that all elections are carried out as smoothly and efficiently as possible; and
· many of the issues surrounding the postal votes, are governed by legislation.
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