Agenda item

Planning Application No. 22/1177/FUL - Land adjacent to Gras Lawn and Fleming Way, Gras Lawn, Exeter

To consider the report of the Director City Development.



The Principal Project Manager (Development Management) (CC) presented the application for the construction of two, one bedroom, two person dwellings with external space, landscaping and associated works.


At the Planning Committee held on 27 March 2023, Members had been minded to refuse the application and it was resolved to defer the application to allow for the technical reason for refusal to be clarified.


Members wished for the reasons to reflect the divergence in design and appearance between the proposed development and the surrounding townscape, taking into account its incongruous position, layout, external materials and architectural detailing.


Since the last Committee, notification had been received from the applicant that they had lodged a non-determination appeal, but this had not been verified by the Planning Inspectorate. Because of this, a decision could not be issued as the regulations that would have allowed a decision to be made had not been enacted.


The recommendation was for refusal for the reason set out in the report.


The recommendation was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried unanimously.




(1)        in the event of the Planning Inspectorate verifying the application for non-determination, the following reason for refusing the application for the construction of two, one bedroom, two person dwellings with external space, landscaping and associated works be AGREED to go forward as evidence in support of the Council’s case at appeal:-


the proposal is contrary to Paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the National Design Guide, Objective 9 and Policies CP4 and CP17 of the Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy, Policies DG1 (a), DG1 (b), DG1 (d) DG1 (G), DG1 (h) and DG1 (i) of the Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011 and Chapter 7 of the Council's Residential Design Supplementary Planning Document because by virtue of its position, size, layout and design the proposed dwellings would:-


a)    result in overdevelopment within a designed housing estate which is incongruous with its distinct landscaped and designed character,

b)    result in a development out of character with the urban grain, massing, fenestration and materials used within the surrounding designed housing estate, having a detrimental impact upon the overall quality of the area, specifically its character, appearance and layout.


(2)        in the event of the Planning Inspectorate not verifying the application for non-determination, the application for the construction of two, one bedroom, two person dwellings with external space, landscaping and associated works be REFUSED for the following reason:-


the proposal is contrary to Paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the National Design Guide, Objective 9 and Policies CP4 and CP17 of the Exeter Local Development Framework Core Strategy, Policies DG1 (a), DG1 (b), DG1 (d) DG1 (G), DG1 (h) and DG1 (i) of the Exeter Local Plan First Review 1995-2011 and Chapter 7 of the Council's Residential Design Supplementary Planning Document because by virtue of its position, size, layout and design the proposed dwellings would:-


a)    result in overdevelopment within a designed housing estate which is incongruous with its distinct landscaped and designed character,

b)    result in a development out of character with the urban grain, massing, fenestration and materials used within the surrounding designed housing estate, having a detrimental impact upon the overall quality of the area, specifically its character, appearance and layout.




Supporting documents: