About Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee
To review the implementation of the Council’s existing policy and budget framework, to consider the scope for new policies for the Council use, and the management of its resources.
To address the discharge of its corporate and strategic services, governance arrangements, business strategy, community engagement, estate management, ICT, channel shift, communications, equalities and emergency planning.
To review the draft budgets of the Executive and the Council and ensure the effective scrutiny of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and policies.
Asking questions at Scrutiny Committee
Members of the public may put questions directly to one of the three Scrutiny Committees. For more information on how to do this, please click the following link: https://exeter.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/councillors-and-meetings/speaking-at-a-committee/request-to-speak-at-a-committee/
Support officer: Mark Devin, Democratic Services Officer. Telephone 01392 265477 or email mark.devin@exeter.gov.uk
Postal address:
Civic Centre
Paris Street
Phone: 01392 265477
Email: mark.devin@exeter.gov.uk
Web site: http://www.exeter.gov.uk