Issue - decisions

Masterplan for the Future Development of Newcourt

12/02/2010 - Masterplan for the Future Development of Newcourt

The report of the Head of Planning and Building Control was submitted, briefing Members on a draft Masterplan, seeking approval for its use for Development Management purposes and for its publication for public consultation as a proposed draft Supplementary Planning Document.


The Director Economy and Development reported that Planning Member Working Group that day had supported the proposals, including the mechanism for considering the location for a Gypsy and traveller site.  The report was due to be submitted to Planning Committee on 22 February 2010.


Members welcomed the Masterplan and the opportunity it presented to put in place a comprehensive infrastructure for the area, including community facilities, in advance rather than retrospectively.  


Executive resolved that the use of the Masterplan for Development Management purposes and publication of the draft Masterplan for public consultation as a proposed Supplementary Planning Document be agreed.