Issue - decisions

Council's Devon Home Choice Housing Allocation Scheme - Report of Task and Finish Group

17/07/2014 - Review into the policy for allocating social housing - Report of Task and Finish Group




That a six week consultation with households on the housing register, partners (housing associations, Devon County Council, neighbouring local authorities, voluntary sector agencies etc) and staff be undertaken on the following:-


·         to restrict eligibility for housing to those with an evidenced housing need within the policy and thereby removing Band E;


·         to remove applications where people do not bid for 12 months or refuse three properties deemed suitable for their needs;


·         to give additional priority for working households and those who make a contribution to the local community; and


·         to only register applicants with a local connection of two year’s residence in Devon; and


The outcomes of the consultation to be reported back to Executive.

Reason for Decision:


 As set out in the report.