Issue - decisions

Youth Strategy

15/06/2017 - A Young People-Friendly City towards a Youth Strategy for Exeter




That it is recommended that Council notes and approves that:-


(1)        the Council commits to working together with young people and key agencies to make Exeter a young people-friendly city, where the views and aspirations of young people are heard and responded to, and where young people can access the best possible services wherever they live and whatever the wider economic, social and political context;


(2)        the ongoing development of the youth strategy and action planning process to help plan for and address some of the key concerns identified by young people be supported; 


(3)        consideration is given to the recommendations that emerge from the action planning process to ensure that council services recognise and value young people’s views and aspirations and, where feasible, embed these in future service planning and delivery; and


(4)        Devon County Council be asked to contribute funding towards ongoing work to address young people’s unmet in the city.  


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.