Issue - decisions

Discretionary Rates relief

14/12/2017 - Discretionary Rates relief

The report of Chief Finance Officer was submitted that sought Members approval for a Local Discretionary Relief Scheme policy to determine the level of Discretionary Relief to be granted to certain defined ratepayers within the Council’s area. This was as a result of the new Discretionary Relief Scheme announced in the Spring Budget 2017.


The Chief Finance Officer updated on the three schemes, supporting Small Business, support for Pubs and the Local Discretionary Scheme. The latter was a £300 million Government discretionary fund scheme over four years to support those businesses that faced the steepest increase in their business rates bills. Exeter would receive £357,000 in 2017/18 reducing by around 50% each year until 2020/21 when the Council would receive £10,000. The proposed policy was broadly in line with the rest of Devon and support would be focused on local business that had suffered an increase in their business rates although there would be certain exclusions.


In response to questions from Members, the Chief Finance Officer clarified that procedures were already in place to administer the scheme and the Council would pro-actively invite those businesses in the most need to apply.


Members welcomed the scheme.


Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 23 November 2017 and its comments were reported.


RECOMMENDED to Council:-


(1)       the Policy be approved; and


(2)      delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Leader, to review the scheme and, if necessary, increase the maximum threshold, to ensure Government funding is fully directed to businesses in Exeter.