Issue - decisions

Parking Tariffs report

11/03/2020 - Parking Tariffs 2020


RESOLVED that the following be approved:-


(1)  the Car Parking Places Order 2014 be amended as follows:-


(a)  to make car park residential permits free for electric vehicles;

(b)  to raise the minimum tariff in all car parks from 1 hour to 2 hours;

(c)  to increase tariffs for stays between 2 hours and 7 hours in Premium, Zone 1 and Zone 2 car parks by 10p;

(d)  to increase tariffs for all-day stays in Premium car parks by £3.00;

(e)  to increase tariffs in Zone 3 car parks by 50p (for 2 hour stays), £1.00 (for 3 hour stays), £1.50 ( for 4 hour and all day stays) and by £5.00 for coaches (all day)


(2)  a requirement for all vehicles parking within Exeter City Council car parks to have a valid vehicle tax and MOT certificate; and


(3)  the inclusion of the access road into Haven Road 2 and 3 car parks within the Parking Places Order.


Reason for Decision:

As set out in the report.