Outside body

Exeter Homes Trust


Exeter Homes Trust Ltd (10252914) is Corporate Trustee to Exeter Homes Trust (201530), The Exeter Advancement in Life Charity (1002151) and The Exeter Relief in Need Charity (1002152).


Exeter Homes Trust manages 141 No. Almshouses on eight estates in the city of Exeter. Exeter Homes Trust is double regulated by the Charity Commission (201530), Homes England and the Regulator for Social Housing (A1921).


EHT is well-placed having remodelled or developed 61No. (42.6%) of its stock of 143No. Almshouses and has commenced remodelling 22No. (reduced from 24No.) Almshouses at Grendon Road.


Planning consent for creating 31No. (an extra 19No.) new Almshouses at Fairpark Road was achieved in 2021. The planning consent adds value to the site to either build out or disposal and reinvestment of monies in providing more Almshouses meeting EHT’s public benefit / charitable objectives.


Contact information

Steve Sitch
Clerk to the Trustees

6 Southernhay West

Phone: 01392 421162

Email: steve.sitch@exeterhomestrust.com

Our representatives